Bill Ryan
BILL RYAN was a mathematician turned team-building and leadership consultant, who found himself propelled, very much by accident, into the fabled Serpo story in late 2005. A student of Ufology and the paranormal since childhood, he then met Kerry Cassidy, and the two formed Project Camelot.
He worked closely with Kerry until 2010, and then went his own way to found Project Avalon. He regards himself as a generalist in everything, not a specialist in anything. He lives happily with his dog in the mountains of Ecuador, and this is the first conference he’s spoken at or attended for 7 years. He’s delighted to be here.
The Project Camelot Journey, 2006—2018
Bill will take us on an action-packed, fast forward trip from the founding of Project Camelot to the present. Not a research piece, but the detailed description of a multicolored, multidimensional landscape populated by wondrous phenomena, wondrous information, and wondrous people. Some anecdotes he’ll share will be known to very few, and some stories presented may even be important. The presentation is right after breakfast, but it’ll be a fun ride, and maybe a substitute for strong morning coffee. You don't want to miss this presentation!

Calvin Parker
SPEAKEROn October 11th, 1973 nineteen year old CALVIN PARKER and his friend forty two year old Charles Hick...Read More

Calvin Parker
On October 11th, 1973 nineteen year old CALVIN PARKER and his friend forty two year old Charles Hickson were spending a frustrating evening fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. Both men loved to fish but tonight's fishing trip would turn out to be one they would never forget.
In the early evening both men were startled when a strange craft descended and hovered a few feet above the ground and just a few yards from their location. Before they had any chance to run an opening appeared in this craft and out 'floated' three humanoid creatures.
Both men were absolutely terrified when these creatures grabbed them and took them aboard the craft. On the craft both men were subjected to an examination and at one point they were so terrified as they believed they were about to die. Minutes later both Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson were deposited back on the riverbank and the craft departed.
Taking off in their car the two terrified witnesses eventually located a public telephone box and phoned the local sheriff. A short time later they were being interviewed at their local sheriff's office. These two disorientated witnesses told their story of their close encounter and abduction by these strange creatures.
The next day all hell was let loose as the press descended on this unsuspecting Mississippi town. Calvin Parker, seriously disturbed by these events, has largely remained in the background without ever detailing the full account of what happened that night, how it affected him and his life, and other close encounters he has experienced down the years.
Now, for the first time, Calvin Parker tells his story in full. This book, Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter, tells the story of one of the classic close encounters currently on record. This book features for the first time the full transcript of Calvin Parker's hypnotic regression session with the late Budd Hopkins, one of the world's foremost researchers of this phenomena. The manuscript is also packed full of documents, newspaper cuttings and photographs old and new.
PASCAGOULA - The Closest Encounter: My Story
For almost 45 years Calvin Parker has been on the run, hiding from the truth and the facts of what happened to him that night it Pascagoula 1973. He never wanted anyone to know what had happened to him and his friend, and fishing buddy, that night. All he wanted was to be an ordinary guy. Get married, have children, settle down - nothing more. The abduction experience on the Pascagoula River destroyed all of that and his life would never be the same again.
For UFO MEGA CON Calvin is going to give a complete and factual account of what happened. Much has been written about Calvin in the past, most of which is simply not true. His presentation will detail a "piece by piece" account of what happened that night. How the two men were dealt with by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Keesler Air For Base personnel, Dr. Harder and Dr. Hynek. He will also "pull no punches" on how this experience has affected his life. He will also provide details of his regressive hypnosis session with the late Budd Hopkins, and another possible ‘missing time’ experience in 1993.

Cheryl Costa
SPEAKERCHERYL COSTA is an upstate New York resident and a NY native, who saw her first UFO at age twelve. T...Read More

Cheryl Costa
CHERYL COSTA is an upstate New York resident and a NY native, who saw her first UFO at age twelve. This event occurred during a Sunday afternoon family drive in late August 1965. Cheryl’s mother first observed the shiny silver ball parked in a clear blue sky of western New York State. That sighting event changed Cheryl’s view of reality forever. Mother and child were drawn together because of the sighting and the two frequently obtained books about UFOs from the city library. The family copy of Erich von Däniken's book Chariots of the Gods was dog-eared to death by the two. Cheryl’s mom dog-eared on the top of pages and Cheryl dog-eared on the bottom.
Cheryl enlisted in the Air Force after high school graduation in 1970. She volunteered for service in Vietnam in April 1971. She was posted there in July of ’71. In 1974 Cheryl became an OSVET (Other Service Veteran) and joined the Navy. She qualified in submarines and was trained in the field of Electronic Surveillance Monitoring and Periscope photography. Later, in the Naval Reserve as a 1st class petty officer, she taught advanced electronics.
In 1980, she was hired by IBM Federal Systems where she produced industrial Training and public Relations videos. IBM Federal Systems which later merged with Lockheed Martin where Cheryl became an Information Security Analyst. She retired 2011 from a 32 year career.
In 1991-1992, she produced the first regularly scheduled cable television program about American Witchcraft and Shamanism. She produced 65 episodes of the award winning program. In 1994-1998, she was a writer and performance talent on an award winning weekly comedy radio series “Working Girls with Frances and Cassandra” in Washington, DC. 1998-2001, she produced and anchored the long form alternative talk radio program “The X Factor.” The program investigated a range of paranormal topics. The program was based out of Business Talk WMET.
In late 2012, she read a sophisticated piece of UFO misinformation in a major mainstream publication. As a lifelong UFO aficionado she decided to do something about it. For many months she pitched numerous newspaper editors in upstate New York the concept of a sustained mainstream UFO related weekly column. She was laughed out of many editors’ offices.
SyracuseNewTimes.com took a chance on the idea. Since July 2013, Cheryl has written the wildly popular UFO column “New York Skies.” Her work is frequently quoted by other news services around the globe.
In March 2017, Cheryl and co-author Linda Miller Costa, released their UFO Statistics book UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015. Their book presents data and analysis trends for 121,000 USA UFO sighting reports between: 2001 -2015. This book caught the eye of the New York Times. On 24 April 2017, a major positive story about UFOs and the Costas’ UFO statistical data was published in New York Times Science Magazine.
Cheryl earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the State University of New York at Empire State College in 2015, in Entertainment Writing and Production. Cheryl was named “Researcher of the Year” at the 2018 International UFO Congress.
A Journalist’s Briefing - UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence
The Fourth Estate, aka The News Media, has for fifty years violated a “sacred trust” with the American people; with regard to properly reporting about Unidentified Flying Objects in our skies and the Extraterrestrial presence globally.
As a published journalist and produced media writer/producer; Cheryl Costa has been turned away from editor after editor and news director after news director when she offered solid regional interest stories based upon her statistical analysis of 17 years of 21st Century USA sighting reports about UFOs.
On December 16, 2017 the New York Times and Politico revealed the Pentagon Program study of UFOs. In days following the breaking story, Cheryl observed in horror as top journalists and media commentators were lost for words and struggling to talk about the topic matter in an informed manner. They were clearly unprepared to discuss the subject.
In summer of 2018 she began pitching Journalism School administrations with a briefing presentation tailored for Journalism Students about common myths and misinformation held by editorial staffs about UFOs, ET and the people who study them. In November 2018, she spoke to four Journalism and Media classes at the State University of New York at Albany – School of Journalism. She is preparing to speak to additional Journalism Schools in the near future.
Her UFO MEGA CON presentation explores the common reasons the news media won’t cover the UFO, ET and Ancient Aliens subject matter. If you’ve ever wanted to know why UFOs rarely make the news cycle, this is the talk for you.

Dan Brock
DAN BROCK'S diverse experience with the multi-dimensional, energetic aspects of human life began at an early age. Knowing from childhood encounters with UFOs, the Alien Abduction Phenomenon, and paranormal activity, to his ongoing non-physical exploration of the infinite realms of universal life, there always remains vast areas untouched within the universal field of information. While expanding his present devotions to Astrology, Dowsing, and Spiritual Advocacy, Dan embraces any modality capable of keeping us on track in our Earthly mission.
Although often finding himself beyond the edge of physical reality communing and interacting with dimensional beings in the vast multiverse, Dan's past includes a formal education in Mechanical Engineering. He has been both a Nuclear Engineer with the US Dept. of Defense and an Environmental Engineer for the State of Louisiana. For almost 25 years, the call of film making and higher education replaced a career in engineering. Besides his professional work in the Hollywood film industry, Dan developed project management software used in the 2009 blockbuster film Avatar, receiving credit for his contribution. Currently, he supports the University of Arizona in Tucson at The School of Theater, Film and Television.
The vast field of Artificial Intelligence and its relation to the human condition have lead Dan to many discoveries that will hopefully shed light on the universal roll all forms of technology play in the evolution of consciousness in our reality. Human technology is changing DAILY, along with the definition of what it means to be a human. Can we come to turns with this unavoidable situation, successfully negotiating the melding of man and machine into a new form of consciousness? He believes, 'Yes, we must'. 'Challenge all your BS!' is his motto and by 'BS' he means 'Belief Systems'.
INTERSECTION: Human and Non-Human Artificial Intelligence . . . or, when nuts-and-bolts meet woo-woo
We are at a critical juncture where humanity must profoundly consider and act definitively to identifying precisely what role Artificial Intelligence will be allowed to have in human society. This includes a detailed examination of how all technology will impact human spiritual development and the evolution of all consciousness. How did we get to this point in time and what are the reasons we are faced with this challenging paradox?
In our journey into new, unexplored territory, one area we must examine is our understanding of the ancient and well-established practices of Shamanism, especially as to exactly how they will be influenced by the presence of AI. In all human spiritual traditions, we must be able to adequately address the differences in how we perceive, interface, and confront the various forms of human and non-human AI that we will eventually encounter.
The concept of alien and non-human AI, in its non-physical, multi-dimensional form, represents at a minimum, a major paradigm shift in human perceptions of consciousness in the universe. Ultimately, the decisions we make today in how to deal with AI, in all its forms, will significantly impact the eventual position humans will take within the vast galactic and universal communities of life.

Daniel Sheehan
SPEAKERDANIEL PETER SHEEHAN is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School-trained Co...Read More

Daniel Sheehan
DANIEL PETER SHEEHAN is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School-trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. For close to five decades, Dan's work as an Federal Civil Rights Attorney, Author, Public Speaker and College and Law School Educator has helped expose the structural sources of injustice in our country and around the world. He has protected the fundamental and inalienable rights of our world's citizens and has elucidated a compelling and inspiring vision for the future direction of our human family. Dan's dedication to this vision and his work have placed him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our generation.
Daniel Sheehan was born on the 9th of April, 1945 in Glen Falls, New York, just 3 days before the sudden death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, making Dan one of the youngest persons whom you will ever meet who was alive during the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt and 'The New Deal'. As such, he is a member of the 'Senior Class' of The Baby Boomer Generation. He grew up in the tiny Up-State New York Adirondack Mountain community of Warrensburg, immediately between Lake Champlain and Lake George at the southern edge of the Adirondack forest, on the southern border of the independent Six Indian Nation Iroquois Confederacy. He was born at the very dawn of 'The Atomic Age', just 100 days before the detonation of the first atomic bomb at The Trinity Test Site in the Jornado del Muerto Valley in New Mexico (the Valley on The Journey to Death). Dan attended Catholic Mass every Sunday from the time he was 12 years old, which he continues to do to this day. During his teenage years he developed a strong sense of justice and an inclusive view of humanity. These values motivated him in both his studies and his other pursuits.
In 1977, Dan was contacted by leaders of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Their leader was Sara Nelson, NOW's National Labor Secretary under Eleanor Smeal, who was the leader of a broad coalition of progressive groups seeking to bring attention to the death of Karen Silkwood. A chemical technician and union activist, Karen Silkwood was killed when her car was rammed and forced off a public highway in northern Oklahoma while on her way to deliver top secret files from the Kerr-McGee Nuclear Facility, where she worked, New York Times reporter David Burnham. Silkwood had informed David Burnham that she would deliver to him documented proof of 'irregularities and safety violations' at the plutonium fuel rod-producing plant where she worked. Davis, Sheehan and Nelson formed an immediate bond. In concert with their allies, they filed a lawsuit on behalf of Silkwood's children. They organized a massive public education and organizing campaign to put a spotlight on the case. They won a record-setting $10.5 million judgment and established a new legal precedent in liability law that effectively ended construction of all new nuclear power plants in the United States by declaring unconstitutional the 'cap' that had been imposed, by an industry-submissive Congress, on the maximum amount of private legal damages that could lawfully be imposed upon a private nuclear facility by a civil jury.
In 1979, after the Karen Silkwood Case Dan and Sara founded, with father Davis, the famed Christic Institute. And Danny and Sara started their family with the birth of Danny-Paul.
Dan's work for - and then later, with - Dr. John Mack was not the first time Dan had come into contact with the issue of the potential of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. In 1977, Dan served as a 'Special Counsel' to the United States Library of Congress' investigation into the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence that had been expressly requested by then President Jimmy Carter. Following this work Dan was invited to present a Three-hour, closed-door seminar on the Theological Implications of Our Contact With Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence to top 50 scientists assigned to The SET! Project (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Given these experiences, Dan was in a unique position to handle legal issues surrounding the extraterrestrial intelligence debate. In 2001, Dan was invited to serve as General Counsel to The Disclosure Project, which coordinated the sworn testimony before staff members of the United States Congress by former U.S. Military Officers, Federal Aviation Administration officials, and NASA employees attesting to their own direct personal knowledge of Government information confirming the UFO phenomenon and the belief on the part of important agencies of our government in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Dan also served as General Counsel to the Institute for Cooperation in Space, a U.S. citizens group dedicated to banning space-based weapons and the development of any weapons intended for offensive use against potential extraterrestrial civilizations.
Dan has, since that time, been invited, on numerous occasions, a speak on The Philosophical and Theological Implications of the Human Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at the International UFO Congress and at The Mutual UFO Network's Annual Symposium.
Daniel Sheehan currently lives in Santa Cruz, California with Sara and their two sons, Danny-Paul and Daegan and teaches at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Dan is the author of The People's Advocate for Counterpoint Press of Berkeley, California.
Since their highly-professional 2017 public announcement of their having decided to “come out of the closet” as “Deep Insiders” from within The National Security State bureaucracy to seek to publicly discover, with the UFO Community, The Truth about The UFO Phenomenon, various staff and directors of “The To The Stars Academy” have been endeavoring to persuade members of the historical “UFO Community” to “take their word for it” that they have now “seen The Light” and are now finally willing “to risk their fame and fortune - and their professional reputations” by “going public” about their collective conviction that “UFOs are Real!"
Even though they, after all of these years of studying the subject in SECRET, “have no idea whatsoever where they come from, what they are, or what they represent - other than that The UFO Phenomenon “constitutes a threat to the National Security of our nation” because of their ability to “violate” our U.S. airspace with such demonstrated impunity; which absolutely requires that we find out The Truth about this phenomenon. “So, now, please join us, in our now-good faith effort to determine what this phenomenon is really all about… letting by-gones be by-gones regarding all of those years of conscious government deception and secrecy that we have all actively participated in.”
Should The UFO Community believe these men? Should we “throw in with them” to try to solve this decades-long mystery, “taking advantage of” their “inside knowledge” and sharing our knowledge and experience with them?
THIS is “The Elephant in The Room” in the UFO Community that needs to be addressed in a fully professional and responsible manner. That will be the task – and the objective - of this presentation of Harvard Law School-trained Constitutional Trial Lawyer (and Legal Counsel for Dr. John Mack) Daniel Sheehan, Legal Counsel for both Dr. Stephen Greer’s 2001 “Disclosure Project” and Steven Basset’s 2013 Citizens’ Hearing on Disclosure.

Dave Beaty
FILM MAKERDAVID C. BEATY is an Emmy-Award winning producer and cinematographer; as well as a UFO researcher, j...Read More

Dave Beaty
DAVID C. BEATY is an Emmy-Award winning producer and cinematographer; as well as a UFO researcher, journalist and filmmaker. His career in non-fiction television and documentary spans 25+ years, highlights include national programs on Travel Channel, History Channel and PBS and, more recently, the short UFO documentary film The Nimitz Encounters which has received over 1 million views since November 2018. The Nimitz Encounters film features a culmination of David’s craft, including extensive use of 3D computer animation and graphics as well as electronic music and sound design all crafted by the filmmaker.
David’s Achievements in both documentary and entertainment programs:
Emmy Award for craft camera on The Travel Channel's, "Waters Edge The Bahamas", and in 1999 received a Emmy Award for editing of the PBS documentary, "Children of the Fourth World". In 2000 received the International Monitor Award for "Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century”. Cable Ace nomination for network programming includes Travel Channel's "Freeze Frame" series and "Wildlife Encounters In Alaska" with Ali MacGraw, History Channel's "Fireboats of 9/11" and "The Nazi Plan to Bomb New York". In 2007 the Emmy nominated "Pope John Paul: A Saint for Our Times" for PBS and in 2008 Emmy Winning doc "Under the Sea With Al Giddings". Produced the 2015 bio-epic "Queen of Swing" for PBS. Currently in production of the WWII Foundations APT films on D-Day at Pointe Du Hoc.
David will be interviewed with our group of Military Witnesses during the Wednesday evening, 3/27 interview with Robert Kiviat. He will be representing/speaking for several Military Witnesses who could not be with us.
A Short Documentary Film
On the morning of November 14th, 2004, 90 miles off the coast of California near San Diego, the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises. Unknown craft appeared that forever changed all of those that encountered them. Tracked on USS Princeton's SPY1 radar, the fighter jets were vectored to the UFO. After 13 years of cloaked secrecy the true UFO story can finally be told with new witnesses.

David Adair
FILM MAKERDAVID ADAIR is an internationally recognized leader and expert in the field of space technology spi...Read More

David Adair
DAVID ADAIR is an internationally recognized leader and expert in the field of space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. He has worked as a research scientist in the fields of engineering, jet engine technology, rocket science and nuclear physics.
At age of 11, David built his first rocket. It was a cryogenic liquid fuel engine that was six feet tall, 200 pounds in weight and had enough thrust to push it to an altitude of 52,000 feet and at a speed of 1,600 miles an hour with radio control guidance and parachute recovery. The rockets got bigger and faster from that point on.
Today, there are only two types of rocket engines used today by the space agencies around the world liquid fuel and solid propellant. At the age of 17, David built a rocket engine that was neither one, it was an “Electromagnetic Fusion Containment” engine, the first of its kind. It was launched on June 20, 1971 from White Sands Missile Proving grounds for which he was awarded “The Most Outstanding in the field of Engineering Sciences” from the United States Air Force.
David was invited to join the United States Navy, in his tour from 1972 to 1982 it was filled with engineering challenges and accomplishments and awards for serving with distinction. During this time David became a pilot, diver and a certify jet engine technician.
After the Navy, David formed his own research company called Intersect, inc. and for the next three decades David worked in his laboratory and is a professional speaker on the subject of Space Technology Transfer where his work continues to the present.
FILM NIGHT 3/26 (First of 2 Movies)
America's Fall From Space
David will introduce his movie.
AMERICA'S FALL FROM SPACE, a documentary about government secrets and one man's journey to reclaim his reputation. Released for the first time, personal documents, interviews and unspoken factual encounters are revealed in this notable account by David Adair.
Approached by a notorious Air Force General interested in first-strike capability in 1969, a 15 year old boy held the secret to the fastest rocket on Earth. Given "Black Ops" resources by the U.S. Government, David Adair developed his rocket in secret, then destroyed it when he learned that it was to be used for first strike capability against Russia. Facing a lifetime of discreditation and silent undercover threats, Adair speaks out about technology lost, the truth about his rocket and the Alien engine that was shown to him by the U.S. Government at Area 51.

David O’Leary
SPECIAL GUEST / INTERVIEWEEDAVID O'LEARY is the Creator and Co-Executive Producer of the TV drama series PROJECT BLUE BOOK star...Read More

David O’Leary
DAVID O'LEARY is the Creator and Co-Executive Producer of the TV drama series PROJECT BLUE BOOK starring Aidan Gillen ("Game of Thrones"), which premiered on HISTORY on Tuesday, January 8th, 2019 at 10p/9c. In association with A+E Studios, Oscar-winner Robert Zemeckis ("Back to the Future", "Contact") serves as an Executive Producer. O'Leary is also a Co-Producer on the horror film ELI, which Netflix will release in 2019 and an Associate Producer on PARALLEL, a sci-fi thriller from Bron Studios also set for a 2019 release.
Besides PROJECT BLUE BOOK being picked up, his sci-fi/horror script "Missing Time" was optioned by film financier Amasia Entertainment ("The Call"), and he was also hired to write an original sci-fi thriller, "Radiant Sky" for The Coalition Group ("Huntsville"). In the past, He was voted onto the 2014 Young & Hungry List, which honors buzzed-about screenwriters on the rise and the 2014 Hit List, which recognizes the best spec scripts of the year. His past scripts "Disappearance" and "Subliminal" placed in the Nicholl Fellowship.
David was born and raised on Manhattan's Upper West Side before moving to Los Angeles after graduating from Vassar College. His early career was spent on development teams at film and TV production companies and studios. He loves storytelling, he always has, and he always dreamt of being a writer. When David left the East Coast for Los Angeles to pursue film and TV writing full-time, he knew in his gut he was in the right place.
SPECIAL EVENT: David O'Leary will be Interviewed by George Knapp at our Saturday Evening Banquet!
Meet David in the conference lobby starting at 5:30pm before the Saturday Night Buffet Banquet - where David will be interviewed by George Knapp as part of the evening proceedings. David is preparing a SPECIAL POSTER just for our event; and be sure to get your picture taken with David in front of the "Project Blue Book" banner.

Dea Martin
SPEAKERIn the nineties DEA MARTIN began producing and hosting a live broadcast television program tha...Read More

Dea Martin
"Is there a Universal School of Thought - A downline of Genetic Memory"

Frank Kimbler
SPEAKERFRANK KIMBLER is an Assistant Professor of the Earth Science at the New Mexico Military Institute. H...Read More

Frank Kimbler
FRANK KIMBLER is an Assistant Professor of the Earth Science at the New Mexico Military Institute. He is a fairly new researcher in the field of UFO studies but has made some interesting physical trace discoveries related to the 1947 Roswell event. He has worked as a professional geologist for more than 30 years and has taught school for almost 1/2 of that time. He has worked as an oceanographer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and as a mining engineer for the State of Arizona.
He moved to New Mexico in 2009 after accepting a teaching position at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. Shortly after moving to Roswell he took a keen interest in the story behind the Roswell UFO incident. His research has resulted in the discovery of a number of physical artifacts from the Roswell UFO debris field area including metallic fragments, Bakelite like plastic, 1940's military metal buttons, a 50-caliber bullet (WW2 era ?) and aerial photographic evidence from 1954 of disturbed ground in and around the Roswell UFO crash site.
His research has been featured on several Internet talk shows, National Geographic. Discovery Channel, History Channel, and the Smithsonian Channel. He does not like secrets and is dedicated to discovering answers and using good science to prove direct physical evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth.
Roswell, The Scientific Quest for Physical Evidence
Frank's presentation will focus on current and past research related to the discovery of possible extraterrestrial and military artifacts at the Roswell UFO crash site. Over the past 9 years more than 25 metallic alloys, 'Bakelite' like plastic and several military related artifacts have been discovered at the location. Some of the material has been analyzed and shows anomalies that may indicate a possible origin other than Earth. Research of old aerial photographs shows ground disturbances consistent with recovery efforts by the military in 1947. Research continues, and this presentation will discuss the latest available information, along with a virtual tour of the crash site. Some of the artifacts will be on display at the conference.

Gary P. Voorhis Jr.
GARY VOORHIS background is in mechanical engineering and working as an electronic ...Read More

Gary P. Voorhis Jr.
GARY VOORHIS background is in mechanical engineering and working as an electronic and RF technician. He was a Fire Control-man and Aegis Computer/CEC Technician in the United States Navy. His responsibilities included operating, maintaining, and repairing various computers in the support of the launching of the Aegis Weapon System and Non-Aegis Sensor Systems for the purpose of testing and evaluating experimental upgrades.
During his time on the U.S.S. Princeton he was tasked with the security and inventory of top secret and classified materials including being trained to operate the W.A.S.P. military recon U.A.V. for the Pacific Fleet during Operation Enduring Freedom. On the 14th of November, 2004, he was an eyewitness of the U.S.S. Nimitz "tic tac" event.
Gary will be interviewed with other Military Witnesses during the Wednesday evening, 3/27 interview with Robert Kiviat.

George Knapp
SPEAKERGEORGE KNAPP is a Nevada journalist who has been honored with the highest awards in broadcast journa...Read More

George Knapp
GEORGE KNAPP is a Nevada journalist who has been honored with the highest awards in broadcast journalism -- the Peabody Award (twice), the Dupont Award from Columbia University, the Edward R. Murrow Award, and 27 regional Emmy awards for investigative reporting, environmental reporting, and news writing.
He is the longtime chief investigative reporter for KLAS TV Las Vegas, where he previously worked as news anchor. He co-authored the best selling book Hunt for the Skinwalker. In 1989, his reports about Nevada's Area 51 military base were selected by UPI as Best Individual Achievement by a Reporter. Since 2007, George has hosted Coast to Coast AM on the third and fourth Sundays of the month.

George Noory
SPECIAL GUEST / ENTERTAINMENTGEORGE NOORY, host of the nationally syndicated program Coast to Coast AM, says if he wasn’t a nat...Read More

George Noory
GEORGE NOORY, host of the nationally syndicated program Coast to Coast AM, says if he wasn’t a national radio talk show host, he’d be in politics. Heard by millions of listeners, Coast To Coast AM airs on more than 600 stations in North America.
While hosting The Nighthawk, a wildly successful, late-night program on KTRS in St. Louis, Noory was recruited by Premiere Networks to guest host on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell. He became the permanent host of the phenomenally successful overnight program on January 1, 2003, following Bell’s retirement. Since then, Noory’s audience has continued to grow.
Noory captivates program listeners with his discussions of paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions, conspiracies and all things curious and unexplained. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. From his first days as a radio broadcaster he says, “I’ve wanted to cover stories that the mainstream media never touch—the unusual, the paranormal and things like that. I learned that broadcast is the best business for exploring these issues, and I’ve been doing it for years.”
He dates his interest in these matters to a book by Walter Sullivan, We Are Not Alone, that his mother gave him when he was 13. He was hooked.
Prior to his late-night show on KTRS, Noory had an extensive broadcast career. He started in radio at WCAR-AM in Detroit, where his first-ever interview was with nuclear physicist and UFO expert Stanton Friedman. From 1974-1978, he served as news producer and executive news producer at WJBK-TV. At age 28, he became the youngest major market news director in the country at KMSP-TV in Minneapolis. Noory was also the director of news planning and development at KSTP-TV in Minneapolis, was news director at KSDK-TV in St. Louis and the recipient of three Emmy Awards while a news executive.
Noory released his first book in 2006. Worker In The Light: Unlock Your Five Senses And Liberate Your Limitless Potential, co-written by best-selling author William J. Birnes, is Noory’s revolutionary guide to spiritual enlightenment, human empowerment, ultimate productivity and absolute happiness. Noory and Birnes co-authored a follow-up in 2009 entitled Journey to the Light, in which they present amazing first-hand accounts of how ordinary people changed their own lives, transcended their doubts and fears, and unlocked the secrets to their spiritual growth. In October 2011, Noory released his third book, Talking To The Dead. Co-written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, a leading expert on the paranormal and supernatural, the book explores the colorful history and personalities behind spirit communications, weaving together spirituality, metaphysics, science and technology. Noory, along with Richard Belzer and David Wayne, released Someone is Hiding Something: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? in February 2015. Scrutinizing the theories the media and politicians claim are the “most likely” reasons the plane crashed, they argue that if a year after a huge Boeing 777 has gone missing, and there’s still no sign of it whatsoever, it’s time to think outside the box. In 2016, Noory released Night Talk, a fictional story about a late-night talk-show host who is fascinated by the paranormal and becomes entangled in a deadly conspiracy.
In December 2012, GAIAM TV launched Beyond Belief with George Noory, a new TV show exploring the unknown and mysteries of the universe. The one-hour, weekly series features Noory’s informative, investigative and dynamic conversations, as well as some of his favorite guests from the radio program. Taped in front of a live audience at GAIAM studios in Boulder, Colo., Beyond Belief with George Noory is available exclusively on http://www.beyondbelief.com.
When he’s not busy hosting his radio show or writing his next book, Noory travels the U.S., meeting with fans at events like UFO CON, or his live George Noory & Friends stage shows.
In summer of 2015 he launched ParanormalDate.com for people who enjoy the subject matter covered on Coast to Coast AM. A companion site, ConspiracyDate.com, was also recently launched. Both apps are available for free on IOS and Android devices. For more information, please visit www.coasttocoastam.com.
Noory was born, raised and educated in Detroit. He has three children and six grandchildren. He served nine years in the U.S. Naval Reserve.
Coast to Coast AM is the most listened to overnight radio program in the country and is broadcast live, Monday-Sunday from 1-5 a.m. ET.

Geraldine Orozco
SPEAKERGERALDINE OROZCO is the founder of Bay Area Meditation and the Space Meditation Studio in San Franci...Read More

Geraldine Orozco
GERALDINE OROZCO is the founder of Bay Area Meditation and the Space Meditation Studio in San Francisco, California. She is also an international speaker, radio host, Pranic, Quantum & Shamanic Energy healer, an Akashic Intuitive, Meditation Expert, Collective Trauma Researcher and Archetypal Social Theorist. She Is currently writing her first book on DNA Origins and the Hybridization and Ascension Program.
On October 14, 2013 Geraldine experienced a vivid abduction from her home, where she recounts being taken on board a ship and meets tall grays that introduce her to her eight hybrid children. The next morning she encounters a hypersensitivity to the human electromagnetic field and an ability to see the Multidimensional body. This discovery initiates a journey to find the truth of what occurred that night.
Her first hypnotherapy, in June 2017, results in the discovery of repeated abductions originating in her childhood. She recounts her abductions through her regressions, remote viewing in which she brings forth information regarding the universe and ancient DNA alterations here on planet earth that operate to control the population through hidden government manipulations.
But her journey does not end there. Geraldine undergoes 6 additional regressions with Alba Weinman, Barbara Lamb, and Miesha Johnston in which she goes deep into each abduction and the history of the universe in order to understand the reason behind the hybridization program here on and off the earth and how they operate the program among humans. Geraldine goes deep into understanding the purpose of Ascension with the utilization of the human technology, Tracing back the DNA Lineage information for their ongoing harvest of life force within the Matrix Universe.
Geraldine has been involved in 3 different hybridization programs resulting in 24 hybrid children. This discovery uncovered a lifetime of documented experiences. These experiences prompted her to create HybridMother.com a Meetup group for hybrid parents and Children that are experiencing current hybridization and abduction experiences around the world. Her most recent experiences involve military laboratory abductions in the US in which she documents and researches through regression.
Geraldine's current work revolves around how the Multidimensional body operates and how DNA consists of information that traces back to the origin of life seeded here on planet earth and beyond. She discusses the architecture of the Univers and the important role of the human soul. She has created a deep integrative healing modality to assist in releasing of the "human reincarnation cycle" which she believes maintains us attached to the matrix universe.
HYBRIDIZATION: DNA The Currency of Our Past, Present and Future

Harry Drew
SPEAKERHARRY DREW resides in Arizona and is highly regarded for his professional ethic and trusted results ...Read More

Harry Drew
HARRY DREW resides in Arizona and is highly regarded for his professional ethic and trusted results as an old fashioned Indiana Jones type of researcher who takes his fieldwork seriously and doesn’t rely on claims and assumptions. His tenacious nature gives him an uncanny ability to ferret out truth no matter how it’s distorted.
Drew is the former Director and Curator of Museums of Anthropology, Archeology and History, an authority on Ancient Civilizations, as well as newspaper columnist and author of history for the past 45 years. Drew is also an experienced documentarian with expertise in visual media and the fine arts.
Harry's current works on UFO history include his Terminal Approach™ DVD series: Hidden in Plain Sight - The Kingman UFO Crashes©; His San Francisco Bay Area UFO CON presentation and Harry’s forthcoming fully illustrated book 7 DAYS IN MAY - THE KINGMAN UFO STORY© which is filled with high resolution color photos taken during more than six years of research and fieldwork. A softbound book will be released and an extended DVD and streamed documentary is in production.
Keeping within the field of traditional history, Drew’s latest history book reveals key people like the late Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens who was part of the original US Air Force UFO Retrieval team that played a vital role in the recovery of downed UFOs. His interview with Drew provided factual information that enabled Drew to workout logistics on the ground that dovetailed with other testimony that led to the discovery of the Kingman UFO landing site, just as it had been left by the Air Force 60 years before, and then the Red Lake UFO crash site located north of Kingman which was also found. No person could provide such detailed information about landmarks and time/distance traveled without having been there. Drew uncovered an extraordinary evidence that dispels fabricated stories about the Kingman UFOs.
SEVEN DAYS IN MAY: The Kingman UFO Story
The 1953 Kingman UFO story has been the subject of ongoing false and misleading claims for nearly 50 years. Until Drew’s work, no structured research, or fieldwork was ever done after a witness interview was made public in April 1976. Statements made later by first-hand eye witnesses were ignored, minimized, and in some cases demonized.

Howard Batie
SPEAKER / EXPERIENCER GROUP LEADERHOWARD BATIE grew up in Centralia, Washington and attended Centralia Junior College and the Universi...Read More

Howard Batie
HOWARD BATIE grew up in Centralia, Washington and attended Centralia Junior College and the University of Washington in Seattle; upon graduating in 1962 with a degree in Radio-TV Communications, he was also commissioned as an Ensign in the US Navy and served at sea during the Vietnam War. In 1970, he was transferred to the Pentagon where his operational Naval experience helped to establish the initial system architecture for the Navy’s first satellite communications system to support Naval forces worldwide. As the Program Coordinator for several Navy satellite communications systems, Lieutenant Commander Batie retired from Naval service in 1982, and continued to provide systems engineering and technical management support for several satellite communications systems, as well as for additional classified overhead systems for Department of Defense and other government agencies in the Washington, DC area. His management experience includes positions as Program Manager for multiple concurrent government contracts providing systems engineering and technical assistance for support of these systems.
In 1995, Mr. Batie acknowledged the guidance provided in a very direct and authoritative inner voice which he had ‘heard’ several times before, and within just a few months, he found himself in Chesapeake, Virginia, wondering why he was there. But very soon he was introduced to the very metaphysical subculture of the area provided by the nearby Edgar Cayce Institute and the Association for Research and Enlightenment. He was soon introduced to the Reiki energy healing technique, and upon experiencing an abbreviated Reiki session, felt something in the pit of his stomach that he couldn’t explain, so he decided he would have to learn Reiki to understand what had happened to him, and soon became a Reiki Practitioner.
He was also introduced to the broad array of physical and energetic healing techniques being offered in the area, and took additional training in Healing Touch, Healing With Color And Sound, and others; he was also introduced to a unique energetic healing technique called Ro-Hun, which involves providing a very relaxed and altered state of mind for the client. As he continued his Ro-Hun training, he also recognized the need for formal hypnotherapeutic training, and he became a Certified Hypnotherapist as well. With his hypnotic credentials, he began exploring the metaphysical non-physical realms, initially assisting several clients through their Past Life Regression experiences.
In 1998, Mr. Batie moved back to Washington State to assist his aging parents, then in their late 80’s and early 90’s. He also established the Evergreen Healing Arts Center in nearby Chehalis, Washington where he continued to provide energy healing and hypnotherapeutic services for the local area. Over the next few years, his energy healing clientele diminished, and his hypnotherapeutic clientele significantly increased, especially for Past Life and Spiritual Regression. After becoming Certified as a "Life Between Lives" Therapist by the Michael Newton Institute, he concentrated solely on further exploration of the spiritual realms through the use of specialized hypnotic techniques he developed. These techniques allowed conscious two-way communication with metaphysical beings such as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and other conscious higher dimensional beings, including the representatives from several Extra-terrestrial civilizations.
Howard has written several books that describe his metaphysical journey through the energy healing and hypnotherapy pathways to an increased understanding of who and what we are as both spiritual and energetic human beings. Among them are Awakening The Healer Within: An Introduction To Energy-Based Techniques (2000), Healing Body, Mind & Spirit: A Guide To Energy-Based Healing (2003), Spiritual Journeys: A Practical Methodology for Accelerated Spiritual Development and Experiential Exploration (2015), The ETs Speak: Who We Are and Why We’re Here (2016), Trans-Scalar Healing: Holistic Healing For Self, Others, and Gaia (2017), and The Art Of Metaphysical Communication: Conversations With The Other Side (2018). He has also authored over 25 technical articles in the computer and electronics fields.
Mr. Batie received national recognition from the Johns Hopkins Institutes for development of innovative and practical techniques for using personal computers to aid the severely physically handicapped. He also designed, developed and constructed several custom environmental telemetry systems (Volcano Monitors) for the U.S. Geological Survey; seven were destroyed when Mt. St. Helen exploded. In addition, he is a Past President of the Centralia Rotary Club, and was honored as the 1998 Distinguished Alumnus for Centralia College. For over 20 years, he has provided instructional classes through Centralia College designed to educate the public about the growing complementary support that both hypnotherapeutic techniques and mind-body healing methods are providing to the traditional medical community.
Howard is now completely retired and continues to reside in Chehalis, Washingotn with his wife Anita, near their four children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
The ETs Speak: Who We Are and Why We’re Here
Mr. Batie is a recognized authority on the use of self-hypnotic techniques to contact and channel information from higher dimensional beings such as Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters in a two-way conversational dialog. However, instead of regressing UFO Abductees to better understand their abduction experiences, he communicated with the Extra-terrestrial Abductors to understand their motives and purpose.
Mr. Batie will discuss the very interesting and most enlightening information provided by several Extra-terrestrial civilizations, including The Grays, Pleiadians, and Arcturians and several others.

Jason Rice
SPEAKERJASON RICE experiences with unacknowledged classified programs began at a very early age. His traini...Read More

Jason Rice
JASON RICE experiences with unacknowledged classified programs began at a very early age. His training for deployment in one of the SSP’s began in 1994 and again in 1996 while employed as a contractor for two government agencies, the Air Force Space Command and NASA. He received his bachelor of science in engineering and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army in late 1996. The commission he accepted in February 1997 as a ground forces officer in the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF) fleet took him to distant worlds over the two decade tours of his service, getting to know, training and serving alongside the indigenous populations of three separate planets.
His tours of duty in IDARF included combat deployments, military civil defense, post-war reconstruction, and as an instructor. Upon his exit from IDARF in 1997, there were two divisions of technologically advanced human soldiers on many worlds throughout the galaxy. IDARF’s primary mission remains unchanged: help the local indigenous populations defend their home-worlds against false-flag interstellar invasions.
Awakening to the knowledge of his experiences as one of the Earth humans that was out among the stars was paradigm changing. His reasons for coming forward include honoring those he served with and disclosing the information he learned about IDARF. Jason is sure Disclosure will happen, it’s a question of when, not if.
Since returning to civilian life, Jason pursued a more conventional engineering career in the civilian sector. His successful engineering career extends into the consulting, manufacturing and construction sectors.
What happened and how did the SSP obtain its current veil of secrecy? Many worldwide have been involved in various unacknowledged special access programs like the SSP, whether they have realized it or not. They come from widely ranging careers, socioeconomic backgrounds and social structures from all parts of the world.
One such program is the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF) fleet. The nature of IDARF and the details of their deployments are far reaching. The implications on humanity will be paradigm altering when the world is awakened to the truth about SSP’s.
What is the reason for their franchising evil to other planets? How will civilization handle learning the truth that Earth humans have ventured not only within our solar system but into the far reaches of the galaxy for the last century? This is only one of a number of facts that society will be faced with in a post-disclosure era as a direct result of unacknowledged secret space programs. Join us as Jason shares his experiences and the personal insights he learned from a career within the IDARF SSP program.

Jason Turner
MILITARY WITNESSJASON TURNER was stationed onboard the USS Princeton from 2001-2005. He worked in supply and changed...Read More

Jason Turner
JASON TURNER was stationed onboard the USS Princeton from 2001-2005. He worked in supply and changed jobs to hospital corpsman in his third year of active duty. Since then, he has completed two additional deployments to Iraq (Balad and Camp Taji) where he worked as a customs and boarder patrol agent and a prison guard. He was an eyewitness to the "tic-tac" event and was able to view the original, unedited version of the FLIR video from SSES (Ships Signal Exploitation Space) following the initial contact.
Jason will be a member of our "Military Witness" interview Wednesday evening, 3/27.

Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD
SPEAKERJEFFREY MISHLOVE, PhD, is host of the New Thinking Allowed channel on YouTube. He is author of The R...Read More

Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD
JEFFREY MISHLOVE, PhD, is host of the New Thinking Allowed channel on YouTube. He is author of The Roots of Consciousness: Psychic Liberation Through History, Science, and Experience; Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter. This book describes a ten-year study that entitled both psychokinesis and extensive UFO activity. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).
Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
PSYCHOKINESIS AND UFOs: The Case of the 'PK Man', Ted Owens
Jeffrey will describe his ten-year investigation of Mr. Ted Owens, who exhibited exhibited extraordinary parapsychological abilities that frequently enticed UFO-related phenomena.

Jeremy Lockyer Corbell
SPEAKERJEREMY KENYON LOCKYER CORBELL is an American contemporary artist and investigative filmmaker based i...Read More

Jeremy Lockyer Corbell
JEREMY KENYON LOCKYER CORBELL is an American contemporary artist and investigative filmmaker based in Los Angeles, California. Corbell documents credible individuals and their ExtraOrdinary belief systems. Corbell’s films reveal how ideas, held by credible individuals, can alter the way we experience reality and help us to reconsider the fabric of our own beliefs.
Former government physicist Bob Lazar made headlines world-wide in 1989 when he came forward with his account of reverse-engineering an alien spacecraft for the US Military. After years filming with Lazar, Corbell investigates his groundbreaking claims; and his presentation will include rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.
See Corbell’s films and learn more by going to ExtraordinaryBeliefs.com

Jerry Wills
SPEAKERWhen you first hear about JERRY WILLS it might be because he is known around the world as a highly a...Read More

Jerry Wills
When you first hear about JERRY WILLS it might be because he is known around the world as a highly accomplished energy healer, explorer, or perhaps of his numerous contact experiences. It is well known Jerry is likely from “elsewhere” and perhaps evidenced by his extraordinary ability to use his energetic abilities to help those with illnesses.
As a healer, Jerry has traveled worldwide working with people and animals the medical community has not, or cannot help. His healing abilities have been documented over several decades by medical professionals and news organizations worldwide. They have no idea how these seemingly miraculous healings occur. He is to them, and most everyone else, an enigma.
You might have heard about Jerry Wills because of the research he and his wife Kathy conduct and the documentaries they produce. Jerry and Kathy are often trekking the jungles of south America, or clinging to the side of an Andean mountain exploring vast remote places. In these places they look for, and often find evidence of ancient and obviously highly advanced civilizations. There is also compelling evidence of visitors from “ elsewhere” who visited and influenced with these ancient people … The evidence is often hidden among the ruins or deep underground. Together, Jerry and Kathy are Xpeditions INC, and together they produce an internet documentary series that has garnered an enthusiastic worldwide audience.
One thing is certain. When you meet Jerry Wills you will not forget him. His quick wit and humor, his intelligence, Jerry's gentle nature, his passion for helping others, his passion for exploration, and his message are immediately obvious. You never know where the conversation might turn or what mysteries might be discussed when you strike up a conversation with Jerry Wills.
It is beyond the time when UFO’s and the associated phenomena are suspect. With hundreds of people sharing their video’s or photo’s, numerous others suggesting contact, and the stories of abduction, it is obvious there are “others” coming to Earth. The issue most focus on is disclosure. You need someone to tell you UFO’s are real...
Within any discussion about disclosure are arguments regarding why it has not occurred. Everyone has a theory. Several suggest they have the answer; The government won’t allow it. Why? No one really has a good answer except those who see conspiracy in every aspect of life. I don’t believe this is actually the entire story. There is, and has been, some powerful directing presence intent on keeping details hidden. Who? This answer might surprise you.
There is a very real and compelling aspects most have missed, and few know about firsthand. It is an obvious truth rarely discussed that has been staring every curious mind directly in their eyes. “They” have been here a very, very long time and have no plans to leave this world. “They” are here. Recognizing this, and accepting their presence among us leads the people of this world towards a new understanding.
Evidence from UFO sightings no longer “prove” their presence. That UFO’s are navigating our skies is completely obvious and well documented. The need for having someone in their lofty office stepping up to validate the truth is unnecessary. What is needed is to recognize our journey as a species has now ventured beyond the need for examination of sightings.
It’s time to explore evidence we have entered the next paradigm; Close Encounters of the Second Magnitude: They Live Among Us.

Jim Nichols
FILM MAKERBeginning in 1980, noted artist, investigator, and video producer JIM NICHOLS, in association with a...Read More

Jim Nichols
Beginning in 1980, noted artist, investigator, and video producer JIM NICHOLS, in association with a world renowned UFO researcher, Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens inspired Jim to launch into serious UFO illustrations, producing an extraordinary body of work that has since been published internationally in magazines, articles, books and the internet. His art was featured on The History Channel’s UFO Hunters as well as Unsealed Alien Files.
By 1991 the notoriety he gained as a UFO artist earned him a co-host seat with Ted Loman on a weekly, Tucson Public Access Television program entitled, UFOAZ Talks. This popular award winning program and was aired across the country until 1997. Jim is also winner of two EBE-Awards at 2010’s International UFO Conference in Laughlin, Nevada for his video documentary about Nazi Flying Saucers entitled, The Aldebaran Mystery.
And now, after his many years of UFO research, Jim shares his expansive knowledge of this field with 31 fully illustrated blog essays on his web site that examines a broad spectrum of UFO related topics exploring the historical, political, theological and social implications of an extra-terrestrial reality. See his Latest Blog; UFOS: A Century of Secrecy.
As well, Jim is an award winning video producer for UFOTV with 20 UFO video documentaries now available on AMAZON PRIME: His latest production being AI & Transhumanism—Creating the New Human. Jim’s will premier his latest video production at UFO MEGA CON 2019.
UFOS and Flying Saucers: The Jim Nichols Story
Jim Nichols new film is a candid personal review of the Flying Saucer mystery dating from the 1950s and how over seventy years that mystery has impacted today’s modern culture. Jim shares nostalgic, entertaining, informative and challenging insights based on his many decades of UFO research. You don't want to miss this film from one of the long standing "masters" of the visual perspective of the UFO phenomenon - as both an illustration and a film maker.
Jim will give a brief introduction of the film and after will open the floor for a Q & A session.

Jo Ann Richards
SPEAKERJO ANN RICHARDS is Executive Director of the educational non-profit, Earth Defense Headquarters (www...Read More

Jo Ann Richards
JO ANN RICHARDS is Executive Director of the educational non-profit, Earth Defense Headquarters (www.edhca.org). Her husband, Mark Richards, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, were involved with top-level military intelligence operations since World War II, many including on-world and off-world contact and battles with various alien species.
Jo Ann speaks about her knowledge of military operations and secret meetings that both these men were involved with. She shares information about numerous alien species, the secret space fleet, and battles with aliens on- and off-world. Her topics include:
- Alien Contact - Alien Species
- Exeter Interstellar Treaty Conference
- Persepolis Interstellar Treaty Conference
- Secret Bases in the Middle East/Central Asia
- UFOs and Aliens in Africa's Secret Space Program
- Battle of Vesta
- Battle of Harvest Moon
- Battle of China Gates
- The Dulce Base & Battle
- Raptors in Scotland
- Tarija UFO Crash
- UFOs & Aliens in San Francisco Bay Area
Jo Ann previously hosted 'News & Clues from EDH' on Project Camelot TV Network. She has been a guest on numerous radio and TV shows, as well as conference presenter. Both Jo Ann and Mark have been interviewed by Project Camelot. Jo Ann has an incredible story to tell about human-ET contact!
Inside Information about the Secret Space Program
Jo Ann will speak about the military's Secret Space Program: the ships of the Deep Space Fleet; interstellar/interspecies treaty conferences on Earth; non-human species who work with the military; Mark Richards' training with the Raptor Imperial Fleet; and, various missions on-and-off Earth to defend humanity.

John Barbour
FILM MAKERJOHN BARBOUR, a Canadian native, is recognized as “the Father of Reality TV” with five Emmy Awar...Read More

John Barbour
JOHN BARBOUR, a Canadian native, is recognized as “the Father of Reality TV” with five Emmy Awards to his credit. Known for his numerous TV programs, including “NBC’s trendsetting hit ‘Real People,” NBC’s award-winning “Critic-at-Large” and “AM LA,” the witty and talented Barbour is the only person to have won Emmy’s in both Entertainment and News. As a stand-up comic, and as a writer for politicians and personalities such as Frank Sinatra, John has enjoyed an inside view of media politics.
His interest in the Kennedy assassination has been long and professional. He produced The Garrison Tapes (John filmed Garrison personally). The tapes are also available on Amazon (The Last Word on the Assassination). John says: “In spite of great reviews, winning the San Sebastian Film Festival and enormous success around the world, The Garrison Tapes has been almost totally blacked out by America’s mainstream media.” His newest project is The American Media and the Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy — a film you don’t want to miss.
PRODUCER’S NOTE: Lorien Fenton has been a long time JFK Assassination Truth supporter and has been on the front lines in the JFK community to bring the amazing researchers and remaining assassination witnesses to the public through her JFK conferences. The reason you are seeing a “JFK movie” on a UFO conference schedule is becasue the parallels between the Alphabet Agencies, our Military, and the MAIN STREAM MEDIAS’ COVERUP of UFO TRUTH is mindbogglingly similar. As I have always said, “if you dig into the JFK assassination, you will find a UFO and an Alien body – which JFK knew about”.
FILM NIGHT 3/28 - The American Media and the 2nd Assassination of John F. Kennedy

John Lear
JOHN LEAR, (age 76) spent 43 years as a commercial pilot, and holds the most FAA Airman Certificates ever issued to a single pilot including Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Instructor, Ground Instructor, Flight Engineer, Navigator, Dispatcher, Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic, Control Tower Operator, Parachute Rigger, and 23 Aircraft Type Ratings.
Retired in 2001 with 19,600 hours having flown almost everywhere in the world except China, Russia and Antarctica. He flew 555 combat missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, held 17 world speed records in the Learjet set on May 26, 1966 and flew with 25 different passenger and cargo airlines. John raced a Douglas B-26 Invader medium bomber in the Reno National Air Races in 1968 and managed to pass one North American P-51 fighter.
He is schooled in aircraft design, construction and accident investigation. John has been in 2 major aircraft crashes, the first on June 24, 1961 in a German Bucker Jungmann 131 and in a Brantly B-2 helicopter in May 16,1963. John was shot down in Laos in 1972 but managed to make it to a friendly strip with one engine out, a major fuel leak and wing damage. He was one of the youngest Americans to climb the Matterhorn in Zermatt, Switzerland on August 7, 1959.
John studied Remote Viewing under Angela Thompson Smith and graduated from her Inner Vision Theory and Techniques July 11, 1997. He was schooled in regressive hypnosis and is also an MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) Mining Inspector/Instructor.
An avid yachtsman John campaigned his own Americas Cup 12 meter sloop out of Marina Del Rey, California and is the only person to have sailed a 70 ft. 12 meter sailboat in a single-handed race. He is a certified SCUBA diver and has explored underwater all over the world including the Red Sea, Pacific and Caribbean. John is a graduate of 4 disciplines of the the American Pistol Institute Gun-site weapons center and trained directly under Jeff Cooper.
In April of 1977 John penetrated the security of Area 51 and took the only pictures ever taken by a civilian of our Russian fighters in front of a hangar. In 1976 John flew, on the same day, as Captain on Egypts Air Sinai airline and Israels national airline El Al - on the same Boeing 707. He is a Senior Vice Commander of the American Legion Soldiers of Fortune China Post No.1 and a 35 year member of the Special Operations Association. He is the recipient of the Professional Air Traffic Control Association Award for Outstanding Airmanship displayed on September 25,1968. He was an Associate member of Roadrunners Internationale and Cold War Patriots (those who worked at the Nevada Test Site). He was a pilot with Continental Air Services, Inc, in Laos, Southeast Asia recipient of a Congressional Record Tribute presented on August 2, 2007.
John has 4 daughters and lives with his wife Marilee, a former actress with Warner Bros. in Las Vegas, Nevada. Disabled from a mining accident in 2008 John spends most of his time writing and posting stories about his career and commenting on current events on Facebook.
SPECIAL EVENT: John will be interviewed by Kerry Cassidy on stage LIVE Sunday, March 24.

Jonny Enoch
SPEAKERJONNY ENOCH is a trained clinical hypnotherapist, lecturer, and writer from Vancouver, BC, Canada. N...Read More

Jonny Enoch
JONNY ENOCH is a trained clinical hypnotherapist, lecturer, and writer from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Not only has he been researching extraterrestrial phenomena and esoteric subjects for over 20 years, but after witnessing a series of explainable events while growing up, his search for answers has led him on adventures all over the world. This includes interviewing ET contactees, whistleblowers, and UFO witnesses.
His cutting-edge investigation reveals an intelligent blueprint found within our ancient religions and symbolism while exploring quantum physics, the multiverse, and ET contactee testimonials. His work demonstrates that we have been visited by advanced civilizations all throughout human history and that we are a hybrid species. In his numerous travels to megalithic sites, he has discovered evidence for giants, advanced machining, ancient cataclysms, and more.
With his fascination of the human mind, Jonny spends most of his free time studying consciousness as a non-local awareness. This includes interviewing Near Death Experience survivors and case studies. To find out more about why the public hasn't made contact with extraterrestrials, he flew out to Puerto Rico to meet with researchers at one of the largest radio telescopes in the world at the Arecibo Observatory.
Jonny's ground-breaking research has also been featured in numerous interviews, articles and has been well received at conferences. His goal is to prepare the public for full disclosure and create a peaceful future that includes space exploration and the development of consciousness based sciences.
Currently, he is a featured speaker on the Ancient Mysteries tour of Egypt and the Serpentine Mysteries Tour of Peru with Brien Forester. He is also writing a book on Advanced Civilizations and Ancient Consciousness Technologies.
The Occult Side of UFOs
Esoteric researcher Jonny Enoch will present evidence for how humanity has been interacting with vastly intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations for thousands of years. His cutting-edge investigations are based on interviewing insiders, clinical hypnotherapy sessions with contactees, and exploring megalithic sites around the world. This work demonstrates without a doubt that a cosmic blueprint can be found within our religions, histories, and sciences. Jonny will also reveal all new research about great cosmological mysteries, lost ancient technologies, underground bases, Biblical warnings about Artificial Intelligence, and much more. You don’t want to miss this fascinating presentation.

Joseph Burkes, MD
SPEAKERJOSEPH BURKES, MD is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine and a Board-Certified interna...Read More

Joseph Burkes, MD
JOSEPH BURKES, MD is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine and a Board-Certified internal medicine physician. He retired from Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles after thirty years of service in 2008 and carries a license to practice in the State of California. During his career he worked in the adult medicine, emergency room, hospitalist, the drug addiction and occupational medicine departments of his physician group.
Dr. Burkes describes himself as a lifelong volunteer peace and social justice activist. As a medical student he supported the United Farm Workers led by Cesar Chavez by recruiting medical staff for the union clinics in the San Joaquin Valley. As a young doctor he co-founded the Los Angeles Committee on Occupational Safety and Health. This was a pro-labor coalition of medical and legal professionals that strived to make the workplace safer. During the Cold War he was a leader in Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). This organization addressed the dangers of the nuclear arms race and the medical consequences of nuclear warfare. PSR was part of an international movement of physicians that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 for bringing Western and Soviet doctors together to educate their nations’ leaders about the dangers of the nuclear arms race.
Joseph has been a volunteer UFO investigator since 1992 working with, the Center for the Study of ET Intelligence (CSETI), the Peruvian network of contact workers known as Rahma and FREE, The Foundation for Research into ET and Extraordinary Encounters. With researcher Preston Dennett, he is co-author of a chapter on medical healings that appears in the FREE compendium Beyond UFOs published in 2018.
For six years in the 1990s he volunteered as a Working Group Coordinator for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative. In that capacity he witnessed numerous UFOs during field investigations in the US, Mexico and England. In 1998 Dr. Burkes left CSETI but has continued to promote the worldwide efforts of activists that he calls “The Contact Underground.” He is co-author of the 2012 book Paths to Contact edited by Jeffery Becker.
Joseph Burkes’ writings focus on the mechanisms of contact. This includes a radical new theory that he calls Virtual Experiencer Model. It describes the role of illusion during close encounters that includes several modalities,
1. holographic like projections which witnesses interpret as anomalous craft and alien beings
2. creating a Matrix virtual reality that appears convincingly physical to experiencers
3. implanting false memories that are thought to represent actual physical encounters rather than being the product of advanced psi technology targeting humans.
In addition to the Virtual Experience Model, Dr. Burkes promotes a power structure analysis of the current flying saucer scene. In his judgment, the UFO phenomenon threatens all terrestrial elites, economic, political and military. As a former anti-nuclear weapons activist, he suggests that the numerous cases of UFOs appearing over nuclear facilities could very well be a warning about dangerous technologies. From his point of view, the worldwide UFO cover-up should be seen as the logical action plan of elites defending their self-interests. Thus, flying saucers are classified at the highest level because they truly are an international security problem for the rulers, but not necessarily for ordinary citizens. In the face of this perceived threat the US government’s response has been one of public denial while at the same time it has sponsored a vigorous counter-intelligence program. These clandestine operations are not only directed at flying saucer intelligences but also at UFO experiencers, investigators and organizations.
From his work engaging UFO intelligences in the course of fieldwork, Dr. Burkes believes that they are peaceful and approachable. In his opinion UFO intelligences are assisting humanity during this period of rapid changes in Earth civilization. Most importantly he believes that in order to establish full direct relations with the non-human intelligences associated with the flying saucer phenomenon, humanity needs to create a sustainable world peace based on social justice. This will require a spiritual transformation of humanity’s mass consciousness and a restructuring of social institutions that will likely unfold over generations if not centuries.
Dr. Burkes have been married to artist Yael Bentovim since 1975. They have a residence in Los Angeles as well as in Arcata, a small university town in Northern California. His blogs can be found on the Contact Underground Facebook page. Yael and Joseph Burkes share their home with four small dogs and a 108-year old desert tortoise called Moishe.
Medical Healings in UFO Contact Experiencers
Joseph Burkes, MD will report on cases of medical healings in UFO contact experiencers. These remarkable incidents are documented in the Foundation for Research into ET and Extraordinary Encounters’ book, “Beyond UFOs.” With UFO researcher Preston Dennett, Dr. Burkes has co-authored a chapter in this important book published in 2018. The cases were chosen from the hundreds of respondents to the FREE Survey who claimed that they had received healings during contact experiences. The diagnoses included, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, syncope from hemorrhagic shock, lung cancer, cellulitis of the foot, deep venous thrombophlebitis and many other conditions. The challenges in doing medical research in contact experiencers will be reviewed as well the possible reasons why these individuals were chosen for medical interventions. Proposed mechanisms for these alleged healings will be discussed.

Kate Thorvaldsen
SPEAKERKATE THORVALDSEN was born in Drammen, Norway in 1969. She had her first close encounter when she was...Read More

Kate Thorvaldsen
KATE THORVALDSEN was born in Drammen, Norway in 1969. She had her first close encounter when she was only three years old during which she met one of the small Greys. They visited her in her bedroom in order to check that she was in good health. This was the feeling they gave her through telepathy, while she on the other hand, believed that the Grey being was Santa Claus, because she had recently been told that he would be visiting soon.
She was ten years old when she met them for a second time and was was taken up into the craft. She lost her sense of smell during this event, and the encounter was also reported to UFO-Norway as a light phenomenon in 1979.After the second close encounter, she began to tell her family and school friends about other life forms and life on other planets. However, she received very little response from them.
She was twenty nine years old when she had her third close encounter. She was alone in a very isolated, off-grid cabin on Gol mountain where she had gone to work on her book. The morning after the encounter she awoke to find several strange sharp edged marks on her right eyelid. The next evening she discovered that her behavior had changed from being relaxed to being scared.
When she was later returned to the city, where there was electricity, she found that she had become highly sensitive to sounds. She could hear electronic noises from many different types of equipment, and even had to leave the room while her mobile phone was being charged. She had become very light sensitive, and her sense of smell had returned.
In January 2016, it was suggested that she should check to see if she had any implants in her. She had found a triangular shaped object under the skin on her neck, so she purchased small neodymium magnets to see if they would stick there. The magnet stuck! Further checking revealed thirty two implants which were symmetrically placed on her body. With help from UFO-Norway, she managed to have x-rays taken by a private chiropractor which showed tiny black marks inside her body where the magnets had stuck.
She has now written a book entitled; A Hybrid’s Story, where she tells the story of her life. This includes not only her close encounters but also from her spiritual journey which includes poltergeists, spiritual helpers from the other side, past lives and the effect they can have on today’s life, and helping the police with a murder inquiry in Norway.
In December 2018 she created a radio show entitled; From Paranormal to Normal, where she discusses everything from UFO sightings and encounters to psychic phenomena. past lives and living off the grid. How to find yourself and follow your life path. The radio show will be on air every Friday at 2pm ET, during which she will invite famous, and not so famous people, to discuss unusual topics and endeavor to raise people’s consciousness.
Besides the radio show, she has started a GoFundMe.com project which aims to help 85 Tibetan children have a better place in which to live. This is at Dharamsala in Northern India which is the home of the Dalai Lama. There are four houses in very bad condition which she wants to help rebuild.
She hopes to complete her next book in 2019 concerning a new type of physics.
MY STORY: Close Encounters and Implants
Kate's lecture is about her life of contact; were she will be talking about her close encounters that started when she was 3 years old. The first time they came to her home, and into her bedroom, they had a telepathic connection. Throughout her life the beings have been making contact in all kind of ways, and becasue of this contat, Kate has "changed" in many ways.
Kate will share the different close encounters she's had, and how the world around her has reacted to it. She will address the question, "How does this world react to people with close encounters, and what can we do now about it?"
When Kate was around 30 years old they connected with her "mind" to download into her consciousness astrophysics. Kate has had no education in physics, but since that contact she has found that she understands "the universe". She will talk briefly about how we fit into "the big picture" and the importance of us - us humans.
In January 2016 Kate was told to hold a magnet on my perceived bump on her neck to see if it possible could have an implant. The magnet stuck to her neck, and after she discovered 35 implants symmetrical placed in her body. She will show xrays and demonstrate with the magnets.

Kerry Cassidy
SPECIAL GUEST INTERVIEWERKERRY LYNN CASSIDY is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot and Project Camelot TV Network LLC. ...Read More

Kerry Cassidy
KERRY LYNN CASSIDY is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot and Project Camelot TV Network LLC. She is a broadcaster, documentary filmmaker and investigative reporter. In November 2005 she began filming documentary interviews and in April 2006 she teamed up with Bill Ryan and founded Project Camelot.
For over 14 years, Kerry has been traveling the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, free energy and more. As an intuitive, and remote viewer, Kerry has spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her Chakras in her 20s and has had multiple Samadhi experiences since then.
Kerry pioneered the now infamous Camelot guerilla interview style that captures the drama of the interpersonal dynamic between interviewer and interviewee as well as an approach that enables the viewer to determine whether the truth is being told, some facsimile thereof, or a lie.
Kerry speaks at conferences around the world. She has produced several highly regarded conferences with the trademark name Awake and Aware featuring key witnesses and researchers that are part of the Camelot history of interviews. KERRY’S BLOG has gone viral and become a must-see news commentary space picked up by alternative news organizations around the world.
Kerry’s weekly shows are broadcast live on PROJECT CAMELOT TV via Youtube. Kerry started out hosting a weekly radio show called Whistleblower Radio years ago and since then her radio and live video broadcasts have generated millions of viewers around the world. The Project Camelot Youtube Channel has over 225,000 subscribers with over 61million viewers worldwide. At this time, the Project Camelot library contains over 700 videos + hours of audio as well as hundreds of written articles available free online.
Kerry has a BA in English from Sonoma State University and is a graduate of the UCLA Anderson School of Management Executive MBA Program as well as a specially selected author-writer-director of the UCLA Short Fiction Film Program. She worked for 19 years in Hollywood for top studios, talent agencies and in independent film production and development, prior to founding Project Camelot.

Kerry Trent
SPEAKERKERRY TRENT HAGGARD is a devoted antique car collector, car show judge and restorer for the better p...Read More

Kerry Trent
KERRY TRENT HAGGARD is a devoted antique car collector, car show judge and restorer for the better part of 25 years, Kerry Trent Haggard is the founder, writer and host of Wheels of the Past productions based in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.
Kerry Relocated to Pennsylvania to create Wheels of the Past from his home state of Georgia in 2017; the show is currently under production in the Pittsburgh area, Wheels of the Past is a historically accurate and entertaining series devoted to the history and preservation of classic cars, trucks and motorcycles which have informative stories to tell. Working as company buyer for SMS Auto Fabrics of Canby, Oregon from 1989 till the mid 2000s, Haggard personally built several national award winning AACA and Early V-8 show cars including a 1924 Ford Model T Touring car, 1961 Ford Galaxy Starliner and a 1938 Ford DeLuxe Coupe which won “Best Pre WWII Ford in the Nation” in 2000.
A long time enthusiast of classic horror and UFOs, Kerry first learned of the late 1800's Aurora, Texas UFO crash from friend and Texas native John Cochran in the summer of 2015. Due to an incident which Kerry witnessed during his childhood of a flying saucer landing in his small hometown, the story hit him with such passion that he and John spent the next several months working day and night to form an outline for a screenplay based on the fictional hunt for the buried extraterrestrial 100 years later. From there it grew into the novel. Bonnie’s editor Mr. Grail in the story is based on Kerry and the young boy Jo, on his grandson Kane.
Though his story is fiction, the book is based on "true accounts" and historic documentation. The Aurora crash is a classic historical event in the history of American UFO lore - alongside Roswell and Kecksburg.
Aurora, TX and UFOs in the Old West
From the author of Traveler, a novel based on the 1897 Aurora crash, our fun and entertaining presentation takes a detailed look at proof of visitors from other worlds from the beginning of record keeping to the Roswell crash with specific emphasis on documented UFO sightings from the Civil War to the Aurora crash of April 1897.

Kevin Day
KEVIN DAY is a retired United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer. A former Operations Specialist and TOPGUN Air Intercept Controller with more than 20 years experience in Strike Group air defense including war-time operations. An expert operator of the highly advanced SPY-1 radar system with years of service onboard AEGIS equipped ships including the VINCENNES, CHOSIN, and PRINCETON. Kevin has logged hundreds of air-to-air intercepts of suspect aircraft in both training and war-time operations. It was Kevin's team in PRINCETON's Combat Information Center that discovered the fleets of anomalous air contacts.
The NIMITZ TIC TAC Encounters Revealed – the incredible behind the scenes story
A first-hand account of the now famous air-to-air intercepts of the anomalous radar contacts by U.S. Navy F/A-18 Superhornets on November 14, 2004. Astonishing behind-the-scenes revelations of the events that unfolded aboard the U.S.S. PRINCETON's Combat Information Center. Profound yet seldom-discussed post-effects of UAP encounters on the human consciousness are also presented including the experience of being a 'whistleblower' today.
Read Kevin's FREE book: Kevin Day's fictionalized short-story of the NIMITZ TIC TAC encounters: The See'r

Krsanna Duran
SPEAKERKRSANNA DURAN is an author, editor and publisher. She is the author of Web of Life and Cosmos: Huma...Read More

Krsanna Duran
KRSANNA DURAN is an author, editor and publisher. She is the author of Web of Life and Cosmos: Human and Bigfoot Star Ancestors (2015). She is a paranormal/UFO investigator and Native American advocate, Duran provides us with the requisite tools to make the connections with a vast array of seemingly disparate phenomenon. Going beyond mere chronologies of mysterious “lights in the sky” reports, so typical of many contemporary ufologists, Duran carefully selected those UFO cases directly tied to the fulfillment of prophecies made long ago by the seers among various ethnic groups, particularly Native Americans. Other phenomena considered and linked include the sundry ages of humankind on the Earth, the influence of numerous extraterrestrial civilizations in our cosmic development and continuing evolution, the application of time travel technologies and the inter-connectivity of all life throughout the Omniverse.
Infused with a healthy dose of Theosophy, Web of Life is an essential book for arriving at accurate knowledge about the UFO phenomenon and its importance for our times. Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming at Laramie and Dr. Raymond Keller, a fellow Theosophist and professor of ancient mythology, highly recommend Web of Life and all of Duran’s other books as well.
Krsanna Duran is retired from the University of Montana’s administrative staff. Born and raised in Oklahoma, she now resides in Montana.
What are the Crop Circle Makers Trying to Tell Us?
Krsanna's presentation answers this question with successful predictions using crop circles in the Americas and the assistance of time travelers. She identified the present shift in the axis of rotation two years before NASA announced it in 2016, and explains why the axis is moving towards Great Britain. She found the new location for magnetic north in Siberia by following markers in the crop circle made next to the Hanford nuclear reserve at Kennewick, Washington. With crop circles in Mexico, Argentina and Indonesia, she identified the area of a history-making fracture on a tectonic plate a year before it happened in 2012. The medium of myriad life in the crops is the message of the circles around the globe. Duran provides tools to associate locations of crop circles in the planetary sphere for a comprehensive view. Going beyond mysterious “lights in the sky,” Duran carefully selected UFO events tied to crop circles and prophecies by ethnic timekeepers globally - particularly Native Americans.

LA Marzulli
SPEAKERL. A. MARZULLI is an author, lecturer and filmmaker. He has penned 12 books including The Nephilim T...Read More

LA Marzulli
L. A. MARZULLI is an author, lecturer and filmmaker. He has penned 12 books including The Nephilim Trilogy which made the CBA best sellers list. He received an honorary doctorate for the series from his mentor Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, who was the Provost at Pacific International University. He was also honored with the Gold Medallion award from Chuck Missler at the K-House conference in 2014.
His series On the Trail of the Nephilim I & II are full-color, over-sized books, which uncover startling evidence that there has been a massive cover-up of what he believes are the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible. L. A. is On the Trail!
L. A. Marzulli teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create The Watchers series. There are now 11 installments in the series and Watchers 7: UFO Physical Evidence, won UFO Best Film and the Peoples Choice Awards, at the UFO Congress in 2014!
Marzulli and Shaw took their second trip to Peru in January of 2014, filming ancient artifacts and megalithic structures at various locations, and also filmed the unwrapping of a 2000-year-old mummy skull, at Sr. Juan Navarro's Paracas History Museum, which was revealed in Watchers 8!
L. A. has launched a new series, The Watchman Chronicles and his first independent film was released in March of 2017. The title of the series is In Their Own Words: UFOs are Real! This is a hard-hitting expose on the burgeoning UFO phenomena. The series is geared toward the skeptic as a wake-up call to what Marzulli calls: The Coming Great Deception. L. A. then toured Portugal for two weeks which resulted in his latest film: Fatima: Miracle of the Sun or Harbinger of Deception?
Marzulli recently held a press conference in Los Angeles and flew in researchers and experts who presented. Mondo Gonzales, the teams' archaeologist presented the long-awaited DNA results from the enigmatic elongated skulls of Peru. Rick Woodward the teams' anthropologist lectured on the unique position of the Foramen Magnum and this was backed up by Dr. Michael Alday M.D. and Dr. Malcomn Warren.
Marzulli is a frank super-naturalists who has lectured on the subjects of UFOs, The Nephilim, and ancient prophetic texts, presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, as well as appearances and interviews on numerous national and international radio and television programs.
UFO Disclosure: The 70 Year Coverup Exposed - a managed agenda to obscure the truth
They’re here. They’ve been here for thousands of years, making their presence known in the shadows. They might be seen by a lonely motorist on a deserted road late at night or by a frightened and confused husband in the bedroom he is sharing with his wife. But who are “they?” What do they want? Why are they here? Perhaps most disconcerting, has the government been aware of their presence all along, and is covertly working with them towards some secret end?
LA's presentation will cover all these aspects of UFO's and more!

Malcolm & Linda Dane
ENTERTAINMENTLINDA RUSSEL-DANE has years of performing experience. Her love of Jazz began early, while listening...Read More

Malcolm & Linda Dane
LINDA RUSSEL-DANE has years of performing experience. Her love of Jazz began early, while listening to both her mother singing Jazz and her father playing drums in a Jazz band. She has spent time performing with various rock bands such as "Freefall" and "Madhatter", as well as transforming herself into Madonna and Marilyn Monroe for various shows. Linda has entertained for the likes of HRH Prince Charles of Wales, Prince William and Prince Harry. Her true love of Jazz has brought her back to her roots, with an enchanting voice and styling that are reminiscent of Sarah Vaughn and Linda Ronstadt.
MALCOLM DANE comes to Jazz by way of a strong background in classical music. He has earned his Bachelors Degree in Music from UBC and a Diploma in Performing Arts from Douglas College. Malcolm has toured across Canada and the United States performing with such headliners as David Foster, Rita McNeil, Rock Voisine, Sesame Street's own Bob McGrath as well as opening for Celine Dion in 1992 in Ottawa with Experience Canada. Malcolm has entertained for the likes of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Crown Prince and Princess Narahito of Japan. His show credits include Fiddler on the Roof, 42nd Street, Yeoman of the Guard, Grease and Oliver. Malcolm's influences are Nat King Cole, Mel Torme and Frank Sinatra.
FRIDAY 3/29: Robert Perala will accompany Malcolm and Linda where they will perform "standards" we all know and love, and will be joined by George Noory who will bring us the "crooners'!
SATURDAY 3/30: Again, Robert, Malcolm and Linda will be your musical entertainment the moment the doors open at our Saturday Night Banquet Dinner.

Marc D’Antonio
SPEAKERMARC D'ANTONIO has a degree in Astronomy and is the Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) Chief Photo/Video...Read More

Marc D’Antonio
MARC D'ANTONIO has a degree in Astronomy and is the Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) Chief Photo/Video Analyst, host of SkyTour Radio on KGRA, and is the host and creator of SkyTour Live Stream with Marc D'Antonio on YouTube where people can go to watch live as beautiful deep night sky objects materialize before their eyes in mere seconds courtesy of the SkyTour Observatory and its research telescope. Marc is the CEO of FX Models, a model making and visual/special effects company specializing in digital/physical models, and organic special effects in the film industry. He has an extensive work history in the Film and Television arena appearing regularly on a number of networks and television shows including NASA's Unexplained Files on the Discovery Channel and What On Earth! on the Science Channel.
He is characterized as the Voice of Science Reason yet fully expects alien intelligence is out there and possibly even HERE. His efforts creating the Aerial Anomaly Detection System (formerly called UFOTOG2), a remote system to detect advanced propulsion at play in our local universe, with Academy Award winner Douglas Trumbull promises to bring ufology into the 21st Century. If extraterrestrial intelligence has managed to ply the vast gulf between the stars and reach us, then science should be able to tell us so. Such results will back up the stories we so often hear from those who have encountered something strange ... in our skies.
Besides his MUFON duties, Marc delivers many presentations around the country at some of the largest UFO conferences including several Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposiums and International UFO Congress conferences appearing as a speaker to discuss the science we DO know. As such he is a voice of reason amidst what at times is chaos.
Marc has also put together a team of top US scientists who are working together with UFOTOG Pioneer Douglas Trumbull to create high end autonomous ground units to search for evidence of extraterrestrial presence potentially using crowd-sourcing methodologies.
Currently authoring a book, Marc has taken his Astronomy focus on Exoplanets and put it to print. Tentatively titled "The Populated Universe" the book explores the scientific search for extraterrestrial life and makes the case for what he believes is the predisposition of the Universe to the creation of the building blocks of life and perhaps life itself.
In support of the quest for extraterrestrial life, Marc originated and operates the SkyTour LiveStream from the John Zack Memorial Observatory located currently in Connecticut. This live broadcast on clear nights brings the wonders of the Universe to people worldwide and viewers and live participants are taught about the origins of the stars, Earth, and planets and learn about Exoplanet science.
His latest project is taking on the role of Host on his new show on KGRA radio called SkyTour Radio. The weekly 1-2 hour show focuses on the science and potential science surrounding the search for extraterrestrial life. Listeners get to hear about the origins of the many outlandish and amazing objects that the Universe has spawned with an eye on science. The show also presents information that is science based on interstellar propulsion and offers speculation on what we may find once we leave the Earth.
Where Does Science Go in the Face of the Unexplained?
Marc's presentation discusses in part the dilemma we face when our science cannot explain observations or events. There is a tendency to doubt the witness to the events. But what if the witness has direct knowledge of what transpired that he/she could not possibly know? This happened to Marc - and his presentation relays the real and unexplained events that took place in May 2015 when during a dangerous surgery Marc was whisked away, while his heart was stopped, and taken on a strange modern day journey with his Native American ancestors that resulted in a life changing surprise.
The details have remained crystal clear and he is able to recall the entire set of events, moment to moment, as they happened during the time his heart was stopped. But herein lies the issue: Marc is a man of science. NONE of these events fit in any one of his science buckets including his science of Astronomy and Exoplanets. So what do we do with our science?

Marisa Ryan
SPEAKERMARISA RYAN began her spiritual journey in the year 2000 after the tragic deaths of her mother and n...Read More

Marisa Ryan
MARISA RYAN began her spiritual journey in the year 2000 after the tragic deaths of her mother and niece within 2 days of each other. This event led Marisa on a spiritual quest for answers about life, death and the unknown.
One night, in September 2002 a murder victim appeared to Marisa showing her the gruesome details of her murder. Never experiencing anything like this before, Marisa contacted the police and provided them with clear, specific unpublished details of the crime. This information caused police to suspect Marisa of involvement, but ultimately lead to their trust and appreciation for her unusual abilities. Marisa began working regularly on murder and missing persons cases. Ever since, Marisa speaks with spirits for thousands of people.
Marisa is different than most Mediums. When Marisa is in front of someone or on the phone, spirits appear to her. She has developed an interview process with the spirits to gain validation of who they are. She can see the spirits clearly with her eyes as she asks them about their death, family, career, hobbies and life. Once she has received enough validation, Marisa will ask them for messages. She receives her psychic information about peoples past, present and future from Spirit Guides. Each of us has one or more guides that know what our life path is and accompany us on our journey.
Marisa is a Level 5 Certified Research Medium with the Windbridge Institute and was featured on Travel channels Ghostly Lovers and also The Life After Death Project by Paul Davids. And her most import She is a wife of 31 years and proud mother of 3 wonderful children.
Making The Connection with ET Souls and Guides
Marisa Ryan is a Internationally known Psychic Medium who has discovered how to communicate with Souls of ET's after discovering one of her spirit guides is a Gray.
She has had several ET encounters using telepathic communication.
Marisa will share her story of what they had to say as well as discuss how to communicate with them. You will also have the opportunity to experience a guided meditation to possibly meet an ET Spirit or Spirit Guide.

Mary Rodwell
SPEAKER / EXPERIENCER GROUP LEADERMARY RODWELL is the Founder and Principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network. (ACERN...Read More

Mary Rodwell
MARY RODWELL is the Founder and Principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network. (ACERN), Co-founder & Director of The Dr Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE), a former nurse, midwife, counselor, hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, International speaker, researcher, author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life - The New Human, Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage (2016).
Mary has produced two award winning documentaries, Expressions of ET Contact a Visual Blueprint and Expressions of ET Contact a Communication and Healing Blueprint. As well as five series of meditation CDs. www.newmindrecords.com
Recognized Internationally as one of Australia's leading researchers in regards to Encounters with non-human intelligences (NHI). Mary has lectured in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Malta and Asia. She has also featured in several documentaries, including a personal one. My Mum Talks to Aliens. Produced in Australia by SBS (2010). More recently ET Contact: They Are Here (2017), Australien Skies 2 (2018), Orenda Force of Consciousness (2018).
Mary's research explores Encounters with non human intelligences both as a therapist assisting individuals to explore and integrate their encounter experiences and as a researcher from a multidimensional consciousness perspective. Mary has also worked with families and children which has indicated this can be an inter-generational experience. Mary's research indicates many complex multidimensional programs which appear to activate and 'upgrade' awareness in our species. Mary's research also suggests this is a global phenomenon and the recent generations, labeled Indigos, "crystal children, ADHD, Dyslexic, Aspergers or some forms of Autism may be indicators of new generations of human. Many of these children have shown remarkable awareness of their connection to NHI's multidimensional abilities" conscious of their star origins and what they perceive as their Earth Mission to help activate the consciousness of Humanity.
Are we changing as a species? If so what is the evidence and how is connected to Non-Human Intelligences (NHI?)
In this presentation Mary explores the hypotheses Homo-sapiens is a ‘intelligently designed’ species. Evidence for this is in intergenerational shifts in human ‘consciousness’ into multidimensional awareness. Awakening to our multidimensional realities can be activated by a process of DNA altération, or additions to the human genome by non-Human Intelligence. Awakening through physical or non -physical encounters with NHI’s, through spiritual practices, near death experiences (NDE’s,) out of body experiences (OBE’s,) kundalini activation, etc., combined with downloads of data, frequencies, and non -human educational programs. Research with over 3,000 cases suggest this process of activations is intergenerational and focuses on the awakening and activation of human consciousness.
What is the evidence, and how is this occurring and why? What is The New Human? How do we recognize them? Why is the New Human, labeled Star Children, Indigo, Crystal, ‘letter people’, ADHD, Asperger’s, autism, dyslexia and/or hybrid? Why are they so different to older generations of human and why is this important to acknowledge? How can we understand and support these new generations of human? Why do many they feel more connected to their ‘star family’ than human one? What does this mean for our species? Are we, as the late Command Sergeant Robert Dean suggested “A work in progress, a unfinished masterpiece?” Is this a ‘wake up’ call for humanity? If so what does this awakening mean for our future as a species?

Melinda Leslie
SPEAKERMELINDA LESLIE is a UFO abductee and has been public with her own extraterrestrial and covert-ops hu...Read More

Melinda Leslie
MELINDA LESLIE is a UFO abductee and has been public with her own extraterrestrial and covert-ops human abduction experiences for 28 years and is considered by many to be the authority on a military and intelligence agency involvement in UFO abduction cases. Both her research and personal experiences have been featured in 24 books by prominent authors in ufology.
Melinda is an investigator in the field of Ufology with 29 years of experience. For 8 years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, where she has conducted nearly 1,000 tours with the use of military Night Vision Goggles. To date, Melinda's 6,500 plus tour clients have felt they always had true UFO sightings on every tour except one!
Melinda has lectured for numerous organizations including UFO CON, Contact in the Desert, the International UFO Congress, MUFON, the X-Conference, the Bay Area UFO Expo, The Whole Life Expo, and more. She is a frequent guest on numerous radio shows including as a repeat guest on Coast-to-Coast AM, appeared on several television shows, and is currently co-host of Transcending Realities - a new TV show on IvoloveTV.com on all things UFO, spiritual and conspiracy. Check out her website: www.UFOSightingTours.com.
The Covert Program of Reverse-Engineering Extraterrestrial Abductees (MILABs): The Experiences, Evidence, and Implications
Melinda Leslie researches how covert human agencies are reverse-engineering extraterrestrial abductees for information to be used in both the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial (ET) technology programs and covert-ops personal development programs.
She investigates how the government’s “official management” of ET related information includes the monitoring, re-abduction, interrogation, and recruitment of alien abductees into covert programs, equating it to just like the covert or black-ops military personnel gather and reverse-engineer ET craft, they also gather and reverse-engineer the abductees. Also called MILABs (military abductions) these experiences are abundant with evidence as well as serve to demonstrate some of the greater implications for an official UFO Disclosure.
Melinda has documented detailed accounts of covert human agency abduction experiences along with the covert-ops’ attempt to learn the ET’s technology, motives, abductee genetics and psi (paranormal or psychic) abilities in these abduction events. Melinda’s lecture will include MILAB experiences never shared before from her research cases as well as from her own personal abduction story.

Michael Murburg, Esq.
SPEAKERNORMAN MICHAEL "MIKE" MURBURG, JR. is a long-time UFO “Experiencer” and “Contactee”. He is a...Read More

Michael Murburg, Esq.
NORMAN MICHAEL "MIKE" MURBURG, JR. is a long-time UFO “Experiencer” and “Contactee”. He is a student and practitioner of Tao and teaches, lectures and conducts regular CE5 contact groups in West Central Florida. Mike is a contributing editor and author the Foundation for the Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiencers (FREE) book Beyond UFOs. Mike resides in rural Pasco County, Florida where he writes on the Tao and the teachings of Lao Tzu as well as on Exo-consciousness, CE-5 meditation and other contact techniques and methodologies. Mike also hosts his “Tampa CE-5 Ambassadors to the Universe” monthly Meet-up at his ranch in Darby, FL and is a cohost for the first regular weekly CE-5 radio show on WTAN 1340 AM and 106.1 FM that broadcasts weekly out of Clearwater, Florida and is archived on YouTube at IMHO.love. Mike has had over 60 years of amazing contact with hundreds of instances some of which were up close and personal.
A former Assistant State Attorney with the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida 1986 - 1990, Mike is a graduate of Princeton University (BA, 1977) where he studied Religion and History and is an honors graduate from The Florida State University College of Law (JD, 1986). Mike is a practicing trial attorney and has tried some 90 or so jury trials ranging from simple misdemeanor and more complex civil cases to First Degree Murder. Since 1998 Mike has confined his practice to representing the disabled in their Social Security and Railroad Retirement Board disability cases from the administrative appeals level through their appeal and conclusion in Federal District Court.
Mike is a member of both the Florida Bar and the Washington State Bar Associations. He has been licensed to practice law in those states and nationally in all Federal Administrative courts or well over thirty years. Mike is also licensed to practice in Federal Court in the Middle District of Florida, The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta, Georgia and before the United States Supreme Court.
Mike is also a proud grandfather and father of two children, daughter Erica Munz, J.D. a practicing legal aid attorney and his son Pfc. Ehren Murburg USA, Spfc., (deceased). Mike’s TAMPA CE-5 Ambassadors to the universe, Darby Ranch, FL, USA group can be found on both Meet-up and on Facebook.
The Connection Between Heightened States of Spirituality and Conscious Awareness and ET/ED/NHIB, UFO, “Celestial Being” Contact and My Own Spiritual Path: 60 Years of Contact
There always seemingly has been a connection between the appearance of “extraterrestrials” and (ET/ED/ID/NHIB/HICE/UFO) contact and higher states of conscious human spiritual awareness. Mikes own experience and history bears this out, as do numerous visual and written artifacts from both our distant and not so distant human past. What Mike will present is a brief but richly documented history of human visual and spiritual contact. He will also explore the depiction of heightened spiritual states in art and in the experience of the Buddha as recorded in “Lotus Sutra” and in his own research on Lao Tzu and the Hua Hu Ching. Thereafter, He will explorehis own lengthy history of ET/NHIB and CE-3 and CE-5 contact experiences (1957-2019) and what ledhim to found his own CE-5 group.
As far as the visual presentation goes, after beginning with Neolithic art Mike will go through art in various parts of the pre-modern scientific world that reflect the connection between deeply human spiritual states and end that history with both the recounting and visual portrayals of the birth of modern science through the appearance of Rene Descartes’ dream angel.
Mike's underlying thesis is those meditative states that somehow trigger contact experiences are real -- and their connection to the appearances of UFO/ET/NHIBs have been hidden in plain view for a very long time. It was no accident that both Dr. Stephen Greer and Mike stumbled onto the CE-5 path of almost accidental CE-3 contact after experiencing deep meditative states. After discussing the Lotus Sutra and Dr. Greer’s early CE “Mountaintop Meditative Experience” Mike's discussion will then focus on his own CE history, his study of the works of Lao Tzu that led to the appearance of a Fifth Density being on October 3, 2015, and his experiences thereafter in learning to do CE-5 and the founding of my monthly CE-5 group, the Tampa CE-5 Ambassadors to the Universe, Darby, FL USA Meet-up.
Mike will also speak about the amazing and documented experiences of members of his group from February 2017 to present. This presentation will be complete with photographs and video of various entities with whom I and my group have had actual physical and/or visual contact over the last two years. I will finish the lecture with the FREE, The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters’ results and conclusions and comment on how the study’s positive findings concerning the long term elevation of Contactee/experiencer spirituality and positive reflection upon contact closely parallel his own and that of his group members.

Patrick “PJ” Hughes
PATRICK "PJ" HUGHES served in the Navy for just under 11 years working as an Avion...Read More

Patrick “PJ” Hughes
PATRICK "PJ" HUGHES served in the Navy for just under 11 years working as an Avionics Technician on E-2C Hawkeyes and C-2A Greyhounds. He spent his active duty time on both the east and west coasts. He was responsible for the Avionics and Weapon Systems onboard the Hawkeye that included CEC, the APS-145 Radar. In addition to fixing the Hawkeyes, Patrick also setup and prepared the aircraft for launch and recovered them after flights.
In 2004, Patrick was a Second Class Petty Officer attached to VAW-117 (Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron), “The Wallbangers,” and was with the squadron onboard the Nimitz conducting Air Wing and Battlegroup exercises.
PJ will be interviewed with other Military Witnesses during the Wednesday evening, 3/27 interview with Robert Kiviat.

Peter Robbins
SPEAKERPETER ROBBINS is one of America’s most respected UFO investigative writers. He’s been involved i...Read More

Peter Robbins
PETER ROBBINS is one of America’s most respected UFO investigative writers. He’s been involved in the field for more than thirty-five years as a researcher, investigator, writer, lecturer, activist, conference organizer, documentary producer and author. A regular fixture on US and UK radio, Peter has written for numerous online and print publications and appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television programs and documentaries. His background and training for these undertakings is somewhat eclectic to say the least.
Born in Queens New York, Robbins studied art, design and theater at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, but received his BFA (painting, film history) from New York City’s School of Visual Arts (SVA) where he went on to teach painting for a dozen years. He was a member of the art faculties of St. Anns School in Brooklyn Heights, and the Oklahoma Council on the Arts summer program, Arts Encounters. Following his graduation from art school he worked as a deckhand on a Norwegian freighter, then traveled the world for a year. He was studio assistant to Abstract Expressionist painter Adolph Gotlieb, studio assistant to American naïve painter William Cply, and assistant to pioneer kinetic light sculptor Stanley Landsman.
Peter has worked as a carpenter, art gallery assistant, bonded courier, punk band manager, copywriter, editor, and UFO news service director (ufocity.com, 1998-2004). Throughout most of the Nineteen Eighties he was House Manager for New York City’s celebrated Mirror Repertory Company, and was a years-long volunteer and shift supervisor for a NYC-based crisis intervention hotline. He is also an experienced New York City walking touring guide and an accomplished photographer.
Peter’s many interests have led him to investigate, write about and speak on a wide variety of UFO related subjects including:
- Media, Ridicule and UFOs
- Politics, History and Human Nature: Challenges to UFO Disclosure
- Comets, Cults and Fundamentalist Thinking: A UFO Related Cautionary Tale
- Little Green Men and the New York Times: How America’s Greatest Newspaper Helped Perpetrate America’s Greatest Deception
- UFOs, Organized Religion, and Fundamentalist Thinking
- The Remarkable Life and Strange Death of America’s first Secretary of Defense: Early Casualty of the UFO Cover-up
- UFOs and Alien Imagery in Advertising
- The Life and Scientific Discoveries of Dr. Wilhelm Reich: An Introductory Talk
- Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
- The UFO Abduction Phenomenon
- The 1989 Voronezh Incident: Russia’s Best Known CE3
- Britain’s Rendlesham Forest UFO incident
- Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigative Writers
- Talking to Americans About UFOs
- Excerpts and Outtakes: Stories from Thirty Plus Years in Ufology
- The Graphics and the Classics: An Illustrated History of the Golden Age of UFO Literature
- Workshops on case investigation, and in the UK, UFO related talks and workshops for children
Robbins’ longtime interest in and research into the life and scientific discoveries of Dr. Wilhelm Reich led to series of published papers and conference talks in the US, England, and at the International Conference on the Scientific Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich in Nice France; Princeton New Jersey, and at the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory in Oregon. In 2012 he presented two papers at the Academy of Orgonomy conference in Karavomilos, Central Greece, and the following year spoke at the Italian Association of Orgonomy’s annual conference in Rome. In 2016 and 2017 he returned to Greece to give talks at the “Contact With Space Conference” in Athens Greece.
Peer Robbins’ professional credits include editorial assistant on United Nations’ Secretary General's (requested) report “for the establishment of a UN-UFO Department,” and editorial assistant on a requested paper for Parliament’s House of Lords Debate on UFOs. Peter was a founding member of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders Foundation, served on its Advisory Board and was Executive Assistant to Mr. Hopkins. He was Event Coordinator for the SCI FI Channel’s ‘Alien Abduction Phenomenon: A Symposium, organized to promote the release of the Steven Spielberg miniseries ‘Taken,’ and writer, planner and commentator for the "Ultimate UFO" and “Ultimate Crop Circle (with Colin Andrews)” DVD sets. He has written for Open Minds magazine, FATE, Phenomena (UK) UFO Data Magazine (UK), UFO Matrix (UK), UFO Magazine (both the UK & US publications), OUR-J Journal of UFO Studies (Japan), Phenomena Magazine (UK), and numerous other publications and websites. He was consultant to the McMinnville Oregon UFO Festival, the Experiencers Speak Conference, the New England UFO Conference, the Exeter UFO Festival and conference, and the Skyfire UFO Summit in Heber Arizona. From 2007 until 2010 Robbins served as consultant to the City of Roswell New Mexico where he was their liaison to Gov. Richardson’s office on UFO-related matters and coordinator of the city’s annual UFO symposium. In 2013 he gave testimony at the Disclosure Hearings held at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. He is also an Associate Producer of the award-winning documentary “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton.”
Budd Hopkins, Children and UFO Abduction: A Personal Remembrance
Budd Hopkins (1931-2011) gained worldwide respect and recognition for his pioneering work in what is arguably the most complex, challenging and significant area of study in ufology - that being the UFO abduction phenomenon. While Budd referred to aspects of such highly sensitive investigations in his books and many published papers and articles, it was the subject of only one (known) recorded lecture, and that one never making it to DVD. Hopkins scrupulous methodology required that he work closely with the parents of young experiencers when such situations presented themselves, and when possible, in tandem with the individual’s therapist or other mental health professional.
In this illustrated talk, investigative writer Peter Robbins presents some of this case material for the first time while fully preserving the anonymity of those involved, though not in an academic or rote manner. Robbins was at the famed investigator’s side throughout a number of these investigations during the years he was Budd’s assistant and confidant. This illustrated talk is drawn from relevant material given him by Budd, the speakers own observations, those of one of the parents involved, and clips from Budd Hopkins’ unique recorded presentation on the subject. An important talk you will not soon forget.

Peter Smith
SPEAKERPETER SMITH started his consciousness career more than 25 years ago. He was drawn to Hypnotherapy ha...Read More

Peter Smith
PETER SMITH started his consciousness career more than 25 years ago. He was drawn to Hypnotherapy having undertaken some of his own past life experiences at a younger age and having remained fascinated by what was available in the deeper realms of the subconscious. Peter’s original Hypnotherapy training provided a foundation for this remarkable art, though it didn’t bring the mind-boggling experiences he sought. Peter then discovered the work of Dr. Michael Newton and realized this is what he had been seeking.
Michael’s Life Between Lives (LBL) work based on 7000 client cases, moved way beyond the concepts of reincarnation into a place beyond time and space as we know it. These experiences of the super-conscious or soul state offered people an understanding of their life purpose, conversations with the souls they incarnate with regularly and patterns across the lineage of their soul. Peter started to work with Michael as The Newton Institute (TNI) was founded and he became a teacher and eventually president of this organization that had grown to cover 40 countries. Peter led the Institute for 9 years until 2018 and now serves as the Director of The Newton Legacy, an honorary role created after Michael’s passing in 2016, and appointed by his family. In 2013, Peter was awarded the Peggy Newton award for outstanding service to TNI.
At the same time back home in Australia, Peter had been teaching Hypnotherapy to open the industry towards a greater focus on the spiritual and energetic aspects of our being. He founded the modality of Hypnoenergetics that offered practices for not just the conscious and subconscious, but the super-conscious and collective consciousness. His book Hypnoenergetics – The Four Dimensions became well known as a progressive textbook in the field of Hypnotherapy. By working with energetic modalities and philosophies as well as the full metaphysical person, Peter found that the healing accelerated far beyond what could normally be expected. Peter continues to oversee the Hypnoenergetics modality as it relaunches as “Hypnoenergetics 5D.”
Peter was drawn beyond the Hypnotherapy industry, into the research of consciousness itself and how it relates to the evolving world of Quantum Theory. Science and Spirituality seemed to be moving closer together into an understanding that everything is energy, held together in different forms by consciousness itself. Peter spent a few years researching aspects of Quantum Physics, before taking four of the key principles of The Observer Effect, Non-locality, Entanglement and the Holographic nature of the universe and used them as a basis for travelling consciousness into other realities and dimensions. These out of body experiences, offered while still in body showed our physical being to be more of a doorway to other realms of consciousness, easily accessible under the right vibrational environment and gentle facilitation techniques. These journeys came to be known as The Quantum Consciousness Experience and Peter trained experienced therapists as QC facilitators across both his home country of Australia and also in the USA.
The Institute for Quantum Consciousness was founded to bring professional rigour to the trainings and coaching of new facilitators and from those first 500 cases the modality was established and the book Quantum Consciousness – Journey through other realms was written. One of the fascinating aspects of this work is the contact with non-human consciousness in other life-forms. The cases have shown a universe teeming with life, and we are very much citizens of that universe.
Peter’s most recent work has been to explore what he has called “Universal Consciousness”, healing/exploring techniques transcending all manner of earthly traumas through the greater wisdoms available in what is likened to a controlled Near-Death Experience. He has also formed research groups that are exploring the transport of consciousness across time and space to ancient cultures in earth’s history and off world civilizations.
Peter has written many articles over the years for publications like; Nexus Magazine, Alternate Voice, The Llewellyn Publishing Journal, Psychic news UK and has a regular column in The Newton Institute Journal. He is one of the author collective for Memories of the Afterlife, the final book in the best-selling Life Between Lives quadrilogy.
PRESENTATIONS (Peter will present twice)
Life Between Lives – beyond human form
Peter Smith will share his journey into the metaphysical world of Life Between Lives (LBL) – the place we go between our incarnations. This work originally researched by Dr. Michael Newton has now expanded to over 40 countries. The evolution of LBL since its first presentation in the 1990s has shown an emergence of off-world lives and diversity in the soul lineage of those incarnating on earth. Peter will share recent findings from The Newton Institute, some of Dr. Newton’s forgotten cases of lives on other planets and share stories from his own practice in Melbourne, Australia.
Quantum Consciousness – other places in the universe
For the past six years, Peter Smith has been researching the synergies between Quantum Physics and expanded states of awareness. The resulting “Quantum Consciousness Experience”, transcends time and space and offers a journey that takes our consciousness to visit alternate realities, parallel lives and existences of inter-dimensional consciousness. These sessions conducted by established therapists in clinical practice have shown that we are part of a universe teeming with life; and clients have experienced living as different life forms on other planets and in other dimensions. Peter will share cases from the many hundreds now completed, and discuss the philosophies and methods documented in his book Quantum Consciousness – journey through other realms.

Raymond Szymanski
SPEAKERAward winning author and researcher, RAYMOND SZYMANSKI, is currently the undisputed expert on Wright...Read More

Raymond Szymanski
Award winning author and researcher, RAYMOND SZYMANSKI, is currently the undisputed expert on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and its heralded connection to extraterrestrials. In his first book, Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond, Szymanski reveals a myriad of photographic evidence he has personally taken and factual information he has developed that supports long held rumors of Wright-Patterson’s alien involvement. As a forty year employee of the fabled Air Force base, Raymond has unique first-person access to locations and individuals with information that eludes other accomplished researchers, regardless of their pedigree.
The second book in the Fifty Shades Trilogy, explores the story of a family with multi-generational contact with unknown entities that often leave behind physical evidence of the contact. Raymond subjects the physiological, photographic, medical, clinical, audio, video, and verbal evidence to critical assessment before arriving at unavoidable conclusions. In the two-year investigation his research uncovers ‘why’ this family was targeted and what the unknown entities were actually seeking. Four hypnotic regressions of the principle character, by three world class hypnotic therapists provide unprecedented access into the actual events that occurred over a fifty year period.
Raymond has appeared on the History Channel’s popular Ancient Aliens show, now in its thirteenth season. He has made guest appearances on the following radio shows: Open Minds with Alejandro Rojas; Midnight in the Desert with Heather Wade; Fade to Black with Jimmy Church; The Unexplained with Howard Hughes (UK); Mack Maloney Military X-Files; The Danny Gordon Show; Spaced Out Radio with Dave Scott (twice); Strange Dimensions with Rosemary Ellen Guiley; Aquarian Radio with Janet Lessin; Sacred Matrix Radio with Sasha and Janet Lessin; Veritas Radio with Mel Fabregas; and many others.
His book won the Non-Fiction Best Seller Award at the 2016 Dayton Book Expo. Ray has made well-received presentations to the Los Angeles UFO and Paranormal Research Society; the Denver Paranormal Research Forum; the Florida Paranormal Research Group; the Arizona, North Carolina, and Michigan MUFON Chapters; Dayton Ghost Hunters; Engineers Club of Dayton; Fairborn Historical Society; and a long string of other public and Skype appearances. He recently appeared on the Dayton Fox 45 Morning Show, the Youngstown NBC Morning Show, and has been quoted and misquoted in every major UK tabloid including The Sun, The Express, and The Daily Mail.
Raymond holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the University of Detroit (1975). In 1983 he completed his graduate studies in Computer Engineering at Wright State University. He holds six professional software certifications and has hundreds of hours of additional professional education. From 1983 -1993 he led the Ada Joint Program Office’s Evaluation and Validation Team sponsored by the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Late in his career he was competitively selected by the Wright-Patterson Base Commander to serve two years as the first Director of the Installation Civilian Wellness Program, impacting the lives of all 12,000 base civilian employees. Raymond is a certified Personal Trainer thru the prestigious Cooper Institute. He has run 16 marathons including the 2010 and 2015 Boston Marathons. He retired in 2011 as a Senior Engineer/Scientist from the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson. He has been researching the UFO topic for decades.
A Wright-Patterson Senior Scientist’s Quest for Extraterrestrial Truth
In 1973, “Al,” Raymond’s mentor at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, revealed to him that the base was housing “crash wreckage and its occupants from a crash out West.” From that day forward, Raymond was on the lookout for any evidence to back this mind-boggling claim. Raymond’s photo-filled and fact-filled presentation will take you deep inside the fabled Air Force Base to explore his theories of where the aliens were first inspected and housed, and where they may be buried.
He will also present his latest research on alien contact as captured in the second book of his Fifty Shades of Greys trilogy, Victoria’s Secret Truth – an in depth case study for Close Encounters of the 7th Kind.

Rey Hernandez
SPEAKERREINERIO (REY) HERNANDEZ is one of the 4 Co-Founders of FREE, The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for ...Read More

Rey Hernandez
REINERIO (REY) HERNANDEZ is one of the 4 Co-Founders of FREE, The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences. The other 3 Co-Founders are the late Apollo Astronaut and Founder of IONs, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Rudy Schild, an Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University, and Australian researcher Mary Rodwell. The Executive Director of FREE is Dr. Rudy Schild.
Rey is currently an attorney and resides in Miami, Florida with his family. He previously was an Adjunct Professor for 6 years at the New School for Social Research and at the City University of New York. He graduated with honors from Rutgers College, was a Masters Candidate at Cornell University and was a Ph.D. Candidate at U.C. Berkeley where he was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Ph.D. Fellowship.
Rey’s experiences began in March of 2012 where an “Energy Being” miraculously healed their paralyzed dog in the middle of their living room. After this experience, both Rey, his wife, and their daughter began having various Paranormal experiences, contact and communications with Non-Human Intelligence, and saw numerous up close Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (more commonly known as UFOs). Before Mary of 2012, Rey was totally ignorant of UFOs and the “paranormal” and was a material rationalist but has now been completely transformed by his experiences.
Rey has published several peer reviewed academic articles on Consciousness and the FREE Experiencer Research Study, was a co-editor of an 820-page book titled Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence and will be the co-editor of a two-volume series titled Beyond Materialism. Rey is also the co-producer of a science-based documentary with the same title. Rey has lectured all over the world and in the US on the relationship between Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the Contact Modalities.
FREE websites: Experiencer.Org and ConsciousnessAndContact.Org
What is the Relationship between Consciousness, our Cosmology, and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the Contact Modalities?
BACKGROUND: The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation is a 501c3 Academic Research Not for Profit Foundation comprised of 15 Ph.D. academics and lay investigators. The Executive Director is Dr. Rudy Schild, an Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University. The late Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was one of FREE’s four co-founders. FREE is not a Ufology organization but one whose primary focus is to understand the relationship between Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) via the Contact Modalities. Over the last 5 years, FREE has conducted the world’s first comprehensive multi-national and multi-language academic research study on UFO Contact Experiencers which resulted in over 6,000 participants from over 125 countries.
Rey's lecture will cover two topics. First, he will present the research data from FREE's English language survey which contradicts much of what is circulating in the field of Ufology. Secondly, the many academics and lay investigators of the FREE organization hypothesize that all types of Contact with NHI via what we are calling the “Contact Modalities” (contact via UAP Contact, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, Channeling, communications with ghosts/spirits, Hallucinogenic Shamanic Journeys, Telepathic Contact, sightings of Orbs, PSI, and other types of "Paranormal" Contact with NHI) is actually ONE PHENOMENON and should not be studied separately. We call all of the ways that humans have pierced the veil and have had contact with NHI the "CONTACT MODALITIES". We also affirm that the key to begin to understand the Contact Modalities with NHI “Non-Local Consciousness” -- how we as humans interact with Non-Human Intelligence in our multi-dimensional holographic informational cosmological reality. The “Experiencers” of these types of phenomena are the “Key” to discover what in fact is “Consciousness” and our Multi-Dimensional Reality.

Richard Doty
SPEAKERRICHARD CHARLES DOTY was born in the 1950s in Barton, New York. Richard was raised in a military fam...Read More

Richard Doty
RICHARD CHARLES DOTY was born in the 1950s in Barton, New York. Richard was raised in a military family. Richard’s father, Charles Doty was in the United States Air Force. Richard lived on several different military bases throughout the United States and Europe. Richard grew up with enthusiasm for sports. Richard played baseball, football and wrestled. At an early age, Richard developed a passion for reading western books. At age 8 years old, Richard read his first western, Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey. Richard was hooked on Zane Grey and his unique method of describing, in detail, the western life style of the cowboy. Over the years, Richard read most of Grey’s books.
Richard graduated from high school and entered the Air Force. Richard was trained as a security policeman, being assigned to bases in Texas, Hawaii and Germany. Richard left the air force and attended a private college. Richard was hired by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation after attending intelligence courses taught by AFOSI, Defense Intelligence Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. Richard served at Kirtland AFB as a counterintelligence officer. While assigned to Kirtland, Richard was briefed into a special access program that detailed the United States Government’s historical involvement with extraterrestrial entities and investigation of unidentified flying objects. Richard investigated numerous cases involving the UFOs and extraterrestrial contact by air force personnel, and involvement of UFOs on, near or above air force bases. One of the most famous cases of UFO contact, involved a private security contractor’s contact with a landed UFO on base. This case also involved the sighting of UFOs over a nuclear weapons storage area on Kirtland. The second famous case involved a private citizen, who lived outside Kirtland AFB, witnessing strange occurrences on base. Paul Bennewitz had unwittingly tapped into a highly classified project on base.
Richard was sent to the Air Force Flight Test Center, Nevada (Area 51), where he performed duties as a counterintelligence officer. Richard was briefed into several highly classified projects on base. One of the projects involved reverse engineering extraterrestrial spacecrafts. Richard’s job was to safeguard the project utilizing counterintelligence techniques. Richard also investigate the famous Gate 3 incident, which involved the escape of an extraterrestrial entity from Area 51.
Richard was assigned to AFOSI District 70, Germany, where he performed duties as a counterespionage officer. Richard conducted highly classified operations against the Soviet Union. Richard returned to New Mexico and worked with the Air Force Intelligence Service, performing highly classified operations in the southern sector of the United States.
Richard left Air Force Intelligence in 1988 and was employed by the New Mexico State Police. Richard worked as a patrolman, hazardous material operations officer, explosive ordnance disposal officer and commander of the State Police Bomb Team. Richard retired from the New Mexico State Police in 2015.
Richard has worked with several film companies as a technical adviser on air force intelligence. Richard was an adviser to foreigner film companies on UFO movies. Richard also worked with Dr. Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advance Studies at Austin.
Richard Doty - Counterintelligence Officer: My Story
Richard will discuss the Paul Bennewitz investigation. He will reveal never before facts about this very sensitive case. Besides sharing the Bennewitz story, he will share information about another sensitive investigation conducted by Richard while a counterintelligence officer at Area 51.

Robert Kiviat
SPEAKER / MILITARY WITNESS INTERVIEWERROBERT KIVIAT is best known for helping the FOX Network establish its alternative TV department with...Read More

Robert Kiviat
ROBERT KIVIAT is best known for helping the FOX Network establish its alternative TV department with highly-rated Prime Time documentary specials such as Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?; UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape #1 and #2; Miracles and Visions: Fact or Fiction?; Prophecies of the Millennium; World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed and Ghosts Caught On Tape: Fact or Fiction?
Media outlets have called his production company “the FOX Network’s real X-Files documentary unit,” leading NBC Universal-SyFy to ask him to develop a series which delved into similar fact-based X-Files type stories, teaming with him from 2010 through 2012 to produce the weekly show Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.
Robert's passionate work investigating the most baffling unexplained mysteries began years earlier as a top producer at NBC's Unsolved Mysteries. His “Canadian UFO” story about a hovering disk-shaped craft videotaped by a mysterious source known only as “Guardian” gave that NBC hit series some of its highest ratings, as did Robert’s segment on the “Miracle at Fatima” which inspired millions to contemplate why the Vatican deems this wondrous event a true case of divine intervention.
In 2014, NBC Universal-SyFy aired Robert’s two-hour "Event" documentary special, Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed, which revealed never-before-seen NASA photos taken by the Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin. Timed to coincide with the 45th Anniversary of the historic first moon landing, the show’s premiere was covered extensively by TV news outlets across the U.S. and major newspapers like the New York Daily News. Highly successful digital platform runs on NETFLIX and Amazon Prime followed, as did subsequent airings on DISCOVERY networks and international TV channels worldwide.
Currently, Robert is developing an unprecedented TV docu-series that expands on a December 17, 2017 New York Times “Front Page” investigation which ushered in a new UFO era by reporting that the Pentagon firmly believes UFOs recently filmed by military cameras might be alien spacecraft, posing a real and present global danger.
NEW “OFFICIAL” ERA OF UFOs EXPOSED: An 'Embedded' TV Journalist on the Trail for Truth
Network TV investigative producer Robert Kiviat, best known for creating widely-watched Prime Time documentary TV Specials concerning UFOs, ETs and other unexplained phenomena, reveals shocking discoveries he made while working under contract for a CIA supported operation tied to the December 2017 New York Times Pentagon UFO disclosure story that essentially confirmed UFOs are real and could be a global threat.
Kiviat, who was recruited in 2018 by a company backed by a top CIA scientist to create entertainment products aimed at extolling the virtues of anti-gravity development and UFO research, explains how he was soon manipulated to refocus his efforts on competing with To The Stars Academy (TTSA) for Hollywood projects, with the goal of making people believe UFOs (or UAPs) are related to inter-dimensional “portals” and human consciousness rather than beings coming from distant planets.
Via a riveting, play-by-play account, Kiviat takes the audience through his harrowing 18-month odyssey filled with intrigue, deceit, obfuscation and incredibly, the eventual realization that rival factions within the U.S. Defense Department and U.S. intelligence agencies are battling each other for dominance in explaining to the public what UFOs represent.
Are they harbingers of doom, the Apocalypse or heaven on Earth? Maybe something in between? Find out for yourself, as Kiviat unveils stunning new video evidence of mysterious activity occurring at locations around the world, provided by official sources and independent “experiencers.”

Robert Perala
ENTERTAINMENTROBERT PERALA is the internationally acclaimed author of The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New...Read More

Robert Perala
ROBERT PERALA is the internationally acclaimed author of The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium and The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond. He is most noted for his direct contact and abduction by "Extraterrestrial Astronauts" which took place in Lake Tahoe, Nevada on December 27, 1977.
His research in extraterrestrial science has spanned 35 years and includes: the ancient mystery schools, the origin of the soul, the nature of existence, abduction and recovery, and near death experience research. He has been featured on CNN, Fox News, Showtime, Russia TV, and Coast to Coast AM, to name a few.
He has lectured, toured, and produced many different styles of conventions, conferences, concerts, musical fundraising events, and more throughout the United States and United Kingdom. He comes on board for the first UFO MEGA CON as musical director for George Noory (Coast to Coast AM) and will be featured in both Friday and Saturday entertainment programs with Canadian entertainers Malcolm Dane and Linda Miller.
FRIDAY 3/29: Robert Perala will accompany Malcolm Dane and Linda Miller where they will perform "standards" we all know and love, and will be joined by George Noory who will bring us the "crooners'!
SATURDAY 3/30: Again, Robert, Malcolm and Linda will be your musical entertainment the moment the doors open at our Saturday Night Banquet Dinner.

Rudy Schild
SPEAKERDR. RUDY SCHILD recently retired from a 45-year career at the Harvard-Smithsonain Center for Astroph...Read More

Rudy Schild
DR. RUDY SCHILD recently retired from a 45-year career at the Harvard-Smithsonain Center for Astrophysics. with research fields of studying black holes in Quasars and coherence in quantum structure. Since his introduction to the breadth of the UFO abduction phenomenon by Dr. John Mack, he has had interest in how the Universe enables the contact modalities. This must include study of the nature of consciousness from studies of active brains, and a computer model of the nature and origin of the experience of consciousness.
Dr. Schild is a founding and executive director of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation. He has contributed to FREE's new book - Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligence.
Rey Hernandez has already explained in his talk that human contact with non-human intelligence takes many forms and is often, but not necessarily, accompanied by UFO sightings. These contacts have often included messages and information communications of profound interest in many academic communities.
I ask the question, "What if everything that the Human race has learned from these contacts, about the structure and nature of the Universe, is true?"
Be prepared for a wild ride through quantum and black hole physics, with the Universe seen as an inside-out black hole (MECO). Understanding of this quantum structure shows how the contact modalities of extra-terrestrial visitations, Near-Death-Experiences, telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, and astrology, etc. arise naturally in the quantum dimension of our Universe.

Samantha Mowat
SPEAKERFrom infancy SAMANTHA MOWAT has been watched over by extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings. ...Read More

Samantha Mowat
From infancy SAMANTHA MOWAT has been watched over by extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings. At numerous points in her life extraterrestrials have intervened by providing healing to her physical form; they have given her guidance in sharing knowledge of future events, they have been her teachers and they have become loving members of the family.
As a child Samantha was drawn to the occult. While other little girls were dreaming of becoming movie stars or princesses, Samantha was reading her parents books on the magickal arts, psychic powers and the ufo phenomenon. This fixation with understand the unseen world was a means of trying to understand the multidimensional reality she was experiencing. Samantha had an invisible friend who she often called Danny, it wasn’t until years later that she learnt about her twin brother that had died in the womb and that this boy was her brother. Over the years, the relationship between Danny and Samantha has changed, he no longer appears to her in human form, he now appears as a tall white being with piercing blue eyes and a soft glow around his body.
It was during puberty that Samantha began to have frequent encounters with the greys, many of her encounters occurred physically while staying at her mother’s farm. During which time she was being monitored and groomed to go into the hybridization program. Since then she has been introduced to several of her hybrid children, some of which are vibrant, healthy beings and others she has seen developing in amniotic sacs about the size of an ostrich egg. It was also around this time that she began to be taken up onto craft by Pleiadians to learn about the nature of energy; how to manipulate it, how to read it and how to see it, as well as how to further develop her own psychic gifts through various techniques.
Although she is predominantly clairvoyant (clear-seeing), she is also clairsentient (clear-sensing), claircognizant (clear-knowing), clairaudient (clear-hearing) and precognitive. She enjoys communicating with plants, animals and the mineral kingdom, as well as extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings.
Due to a large portion of Samantha’s contact being of a positive nature, her response upon meeting many extraterrestrial or multidimensional beings is to approach them with a sense of curiosity and non-judgment rather then coming from a place of fear. It is not uncommon for Samantha to see a being then to sense an energetic recognition with them then to hug the being. Often this is met with a sense of enjoyment from the extraterrestrials.
It is through the use of her intuitive abilities that she has developed a unique perception on the various races interacting with humanity. Her experiences have brought her to the understanding that these beings have a broad range of intention towards humanity; with their motives ranging from being peaceful with the desire to assist us in our evolutionary development, to some beings assisting us to benefit the development of their own species, while some perceive us as a resource and everything in between.
In the last several years Samantha has begun to have military abduction experiences, ranging from physical to astral encounters, these abductions have taken her into deep underground military bases, off planet as well as inter-dimensionally. She has come to realize that there are a number of factors which come into play as to why she is a milab. With a family history of contact on both sides for several generations (as well as her parents, her grandfather and her great grandfather being in the military), the regularity of her contact experiences, the range of beings who have come to meet her as well as the energetic frequency being emitted from her as she continues on the awakening process are all factors that have influenced her abductions by black budget military forces. Samantha has found herself being tested for the range of her psychic abilities; she has been on numerous crafts with military personnel, she has undergone numerous medical tests, attempted orchestrated relationships and much more.
Samantha has spent the last year going through her journals, taking all of the information that she has recorded and rewritten it onto the computer. She has spent days organizing her encounters into categories such as hybridization, milab, love bite (orchestrated relationship), as well as by each group so that she could further study her experiences to gain a deeper sense of clarity.
One thing that Samantha has come to learn is that it does not matter where in the world she travels to; these beings always know where she is and how she is doing.
Hybridization and the Milab Experience: The interconnection of followed bloodlines -- genetic alteration and orchestrated relationships
The experience of contact is rarely simple, with the influence of extraterrestrials guiding and shaping bloodlines throughout the ages, it can be easy to focus heavily upon one’s own experiences rather then the big picture.
The influence often begins in childhood, where often, introduction to other contactees in a classroom like setting allows for the contactees (as well as the extraterrestrials and multi-dimensionals) to establish a relationship and further develop their bond. While onboard, it is common for medical examinations and alterations to occur as the extraterrestrials monitor, and if necessary, modify the physical and etheric body of the contactee. Another component of the contact experience is re-introduction to the soul family, beings of whom your soul is familiar with and has a deep sense of kinship with, some of which are romantic -- whereas others are platonic.
These frequent encounters can lead to a contactee becoming a target of Black Ops, -- black budget military groups -- who abduct contactees in attempts to learn why the contactee was abducted; what the intentions are of the extraterrestrials, what they were shown, who was abducting them, and more. The contactee, in most Milabs cases, will undergo extensive medical testing as well as forms of "mind control" where they utilize the contactee in psy-ops -- on and off planet.
Also, in attempts to subvert the modifications being made to humanity on behalf of the positive extraterrestrials, the contactee will be exposed to a series of military personal with whom they may have connections with during their life-long abductions. This is done in an attempt to take the contactee off of their spiritual development and keep them from growing into complete spiritual humans - what the positive ETs want for Humanity.
Which raises the question for contactees, "are we truly "in love" with the people we love, or is this an orchestrated relationship?"

Sean Bartok
SPEAKERSEAN BARTOK has worked as a professional art director for a major U.S. corporation and is a retired ...Read More

Sean Bartok
SEAN BARTOK has worked as a professional art director for a major U.S. corporation and is a retired university professor of art, design, and design history. He has received numerous national art and design awards for his work. He lives in Colorado with Sarah, his wife of 51 years; they have two children and four grandchildren. Due to concern for their careers and the privacy of their children, they are using pen names. Sean and his wife have kept their experiences to themselves for over 30 years, but now have decided to come forward.
Personal Accounts of Alien Contact and Hard Physical Evidence of an Abduction
Over a 17 year period, Sean and his family had over 140 paranormal experiences in and around their home in Colorado. Sean will talk about several significant abductions/contacts that lead up to a night in January of 1984, when his ET abductors left behind hard physical evidence documenting the reality of his abduction. Sean's presentation will be accompanied by photographs that document the places, geology, times, and phenomena he refers to. During the presentation, Sean will talk and theorize about:
- What the ETs want mankind to do. Their wishes in 1984 are even more urgent for mankind now than in 1984.
- How ETs help mankind move forward intellectually and spiritually.
- The relationships between man and ETs.
- The relationships between spirits and ETs.
- The local geology and conditions that Sean thinks ETs and spirits thrive in.

Simeon Hine
SPEAKERSIMEON HINE received his Ph.D. in sociology from Washington State University in 1993 and is the auth...Read More

Simeon Hine
SIMEON HINE received his Ph.D. in sociology from Washington State University in 1993 and is the author of Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance (Mount Baldy Press, Inc., 2002). His dissertation focused on the role of technology in social and economic change, specifically how technology can destroy information and interfere with natural evolutionary processes. A former sociology teacher, he now runs the non-profit "Institute for Resonance" and the publishing company Mount Baldy Press, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado. He specializes in instructing people in the art of Resonant Viewing, Human Fusion and also leads people on crop circle tours in the UK during the summer.
He first learned Remote Viewing at the Farsight Institute in Atlanta in 1996 and has also studied with government-trained viewers. His blog, which is devoted to the study of subtle-energy sciences, is www.NewCrystalMind.com. Since the publication of Opening Minds, Simeon has participated in more than 300 radio and TV interviews including the BBC, NPR, the Discovery Channel, and Fox News. His most recent works are Planetary Intelligence: 101 Easy Steps to Energy, Well-Being, and Natural Insight and Black Swan Ghosts: A sociologist encounters witnesses to unexplained aerial craft, their occupants, and other elements of the multiverse. Find out more at SimeonHein.com.
Remote Viewing, UFOs, and the Non-Local Mind: What we’re learning from recently declassified and leaked DOD AATIP documents
The recent disclosure of an ongoing Pentagon UFO study program and the Nimitz 2004 incidents has included the release of documents about the connection between UFOs and psychic phenomena such as Remote Viewing, ESP, precognition, temporal distortions, and other paranormal phenomena such as balls of light, and orbs. Pilots and servicemen in proximity to UFOs often report a bewildering array of symptoms including new-found psychic and intuitive abilities following their strange encounters with these anomalous objects.
In my presentation, I examine some of the underlying physics principles that may explain these “bleed-through” experiences including quantum entanglement, parallel realities, and new perspectives that suggest we live in a multiverse such as the “Many Interacting Worlds” model. At the end of the presentation we’ll do an RV practice session with a distant target using an abbreviated version of the Controlled Remote Viewing system.
Please bring a pen and some paper with you.

Tom Conwell
SPEAKERUFOlogist, TOM CONWELL, has been an Electronic Technician with the US Navy and Honeywell, Inc. for 4...Read More

Tom Conwell
UFOlogist, TOM CONWELL, has been an Electronic Technician with the US Navy and Honeywell, Inc. for 42 years, a Honeywell Temperature Control, Fire Alarm and Security Software Specialist, Biomedical Engineer, is Fire Alarm Level II Certified, a Metrologist (test equipment technician), and HVAC Engineering resource. Tom has a wide-ranging expertise with a keen awareness of physics, computer and internet software and a broad knowledge of electronics and how it intersects with the paranormal world and UFO’s. Even though retired, Tom is asked to assist annually during complex fire alarm checkouts of which he has complete installation and wiring knowledge.
Tom remains a vital scientific resource on Extreme Paranormal Encounter Response Team and embraces the wealth of information and theories that embody the title of UFOlogist. Study of and about the paranormal is not recognized in many circles. Tom has taken his scientific and test equipment knowledge to the limits of this study and he has seen many different crossover points between these two subjects. There is a link and Tom is in the forefront of this important study.
Tom has been an Ufologist for nearly ten years since retirement from Honeywell. For the first five years, he performed over 30 exhaustive abduction interviews. Much of what he learned then has been incorporated into his book series (They Are Here, Volumes 1, 2, & 3) discussing why UFOs may be collecting in certain areas around the country. In the past five years, he has studied databases as a Forensic Pattern Researcher. The databases that house the unusual objects seen throughout the US are a treasure trove of patterns. They were nearly impossible to discern until Tom put pins in a map highlighting some of the most interesting things seen in the sky and now revealed on the map. The patterns stood out and have been written and referred to in speaking engagements whenever possible.
Over the past three years, Tom has written three volumes of a book series (They Are Here, Volume 1, 2 & 3), and, soon to be released, They Are Here, Volume 1-3 Research Study; and has self- published a collection of blogs (Going Interstellar?). This book has taken the complexities of advanced Physics and how it applies to UFOs in our skies and put it into an easy to understand book for beginners in the UFO field. If you understand how they got here and what problems they needed to solve to do so, it is much easier to gather what we need to go there! This is a book for beginners and should not be missed.
Tom has studied and researched UFO sighting reports from the US East Coast, the Central US, and the Western US and given speeches about each of these subjects. There are nearly one hundred sighting anomalies in the US, some are obvious and some are hidden. There is much to be learned from studying these patterns. Tom has identified nearly every one of them. This is only the beginning of this important study.
Prophecies, Pollution, and Plate Tectonics - The UFO Link
UFOs are sighted over every state, city and county in the US. Many of these areas will be investigated from the perspective of pollution, Native American influences, and the earth's plates. There is a link here. The recognition of this link was influenced by different abduction interviews and it holds true today. They are seen over certain areas because of what we are doing to the planet and because of what the planet is doing to us. Join me for a completely unique look at this UFO link. This is one of a kind.

Tom Danheiser
SPECIAL GUEST / ENTERTAINMENTTOM DANHEISER started his radio career at KLOS Radio in Los Angeles as a volunteer, while at the sam...Read More

Tom Danheiser
TOM DANHEISER started his radio career at KLOS Radio in Los Angeles as a volunteer, while at the same time attending Pasadena City College where he was a big band DJ for FM 89.3 KPCC. Tom says he remembers thinking how much fun it was to play music for others and that radio seemed to be something important in people's lives. Realizing that radio is a public service and that it is an avenue to help others, it was an easy career choice.
While volunteering at KLOS-FM, Tom was given the opportunity to interview for, and land the job of Community Service Coordinator for the Cause Marketing Community Service department of the ABC owned stations KLOS-FM, KABC Talk Radio, and KSPN Radio 710 (later changed to 710 Radio Disney). Tom and the department would produce such cause marketing events as the "Mark & Brian Christmas Tree Sale, "The KABC Pet Adoption Day", "The KABC/KSPN Health Fair", "The KLOS Food Bank", "The KLOS/KABC Holiday Toy Drive", and others.
While at KABC, he became the Producer of the stations public affairs show "Spotlight on the Community". Tom has screened and produced for such shows as The Dennis Prager Show, The Larry Elder Show, The Motorman Show, The Dr. Laura Radio Program, The Jim Cramer Show and others.
Tom has been a producer on TV pilots for the Sci Fi Channel, and has been an Associate Producer for the Suzy Orman TV Show. Currently, he is Senior Producer for the national radio show Coast To Coast AM, and is one of the Executive Producers of Gaiam TV's "Beyond Belief with George Noory". Tom also writes a column called “Who You Should Know” for The Hollywood Ghost hunter’s on-line magazine. Under his umbrella of "TD Entertainment", Tom does voice-over, as well as serves as President of George Noory Productions, producing and meeting listeners at various meet and greet events. Recently, he has been producing and directing live stage shows; bringing radio to the stage.
Tom's interests include going to hockey games, taking drives in his convertible while listening to music, hanging out with his dog “Freddy”, and playing basketball. He is a big supporter of our veterans and in 2014 produced a Christmas charity CD with all sales going to veteran’s hospitals throughout the United States.
Listen to the first 30 minutes of California MUFON Radio with Lorien Fenton to hear Tom Danheiser and George Noory talk about ParanormalDate.com!