Registration Begins at 2pm – Saturday, March 23
Desert Sky Watch with Night Vision Goggles with Melinda Leslie
See description on the “Special Events” PAGE
7:30pm – MOVIE “PATIENT SEVENTEEN” – A Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell Film
Duration 1hr, 8m
Director/Writer: Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Stars: “Patient Seventeen”, Roger Leir, Steve Colbern
Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advanced implants, nanotechnology microchips embedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology.
9:00pm – MOVIE “THE COSMIC MATRIX: SCIENCE, SETI & UFOs” – From Producer/Director Tim Crawford
THE COSMIC MATRIX: Science, SETI and UFOs (2018)
Duration 1h, 11m
Director: Tim Crawford
Stars: Ted Peters, Frank Drake, PhD, Carl Sagen, PhD
The search for life in the universe has now been embraced by scientists around the world. Join us on an amazing new odyssey of Cosmic Disclosure, across the great expanse of space and here on Earth, from the birth of the universe to the present, as we take a fresh look at Science, SETI, Exoplanet Research, UFOlogy, Religion and their place with respect to the legitimate exploration of Extraterrestrial Life. Where does life and intelligence come from? How is SETI and Ufology now shaping the search for extraterrestrial intelligence in space and here on Earth? What have we learned from the recent discovery of thousands of planets revolving around stars beyond our own solar system? Join us as we explore “The Cosmic Matrix: Science, SETI and UFOs.” Along the way we discover what drives our beliefs, how our preconceived assumptions shape our search for life, extraterrestrial intelligence, and our place in the universe. For the first time in history, this film presents an amazing new look at what we now know and hope to learn about our place among the stars.
Join Bob Brown and Lorien Fenton as they welcome you to the FIRST ANNUAL UFO MEGA CON!
What is the Relationship between Consciousness, our Cosmology, and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the Contact Modalities?
BACKGROUND: The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation is a 501c3 Academic Research Not for Profit Foundation comprised of 15 Ph.D. academics and lay investigators. The Executive Director is Dr. Rudy Schild, an Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University. The late Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was one of FREE’s four co-founders. FREE is not a Ufology organization but one whose primary focus is to understand the relationship between Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) via the Contact Modalities. Over the last 5 years, FREE has conducted the world’s first comprehensive multi-national and multi-language academic research study on UFO Contact Experiencers which resulted in over 6,000 participants from over 125 countries.
Rey’s lecture will cover two topics. First, he will present the research data from FREE’s English language survey which contradicts much of what is circulating in the field of Ufology. Secondly, the many academics and lay investigators of the FREE organization hypothesize that all types of Contact with NHI via what we are calling the “Contact Modalities” (contact via UAP Contact, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, Channeling, communications with ghosts/spirits, Hallucinogenic Shamanic Journeys, Telepathic Contact, sightings of Orbs, PSI, and other types of “Paranormal” Contact with NHI) is actually ONE PHENOMENON and should not be studied separately. We call all of the ways that humans have pierced the veil and have had contact with NHI the “CONTACT MODALITIES”. We also affirm that the key to begin to understand the Contact Modalities with NHI “Non-Local Consciousness” – how we as humans interact with Non-Human Intelligence in our multi-dimensional holographic informational cosmological reality. The “Experiencers” of these types of phenomena are the “Key” to discover what in fact is “Consciousness” and our Multi-Dimensional Reality.
Remote Viewing, UFOs, and the Non-Local Mind: What we’re learning from recently declassified and leaked DOD AATIP documents
The recent disclosure of an ongoing Pentagon UFO study program and the Nimitz 2004 incidents has included the release of documents about the connection between UFOs and psychic phenomena such as Remote Viewing, ESP, precognition, temporal distortions, and other paranormal phenomena such as balls of light, and orbs. Pilots and servicemen in proximity to UFOs often report a bewildering array of symptoms including new-found psychic and intuitive abilities following their strange encounters with these anomalous objects.
In my presentation, I examine some of the underlying physics principles that may explain these “bleed-through” experiences including quantum entanglement, parallel realities, and new perspectives that suggest we live in a multiverse such as the “Many Interacting Worlds” model. At the end of the presentation we’ll do an RV practice session with a distant target using an abbreviated version of the Controlled Remote Viewing system.
Please bring a pen and some paper with you.
The Connection Between Heightened States of Spirituality and Conscious Awareness, and Contact with All Visitors and My Own Spiritual Path: 60 Years of Contact
There always seemingly has been a connection between the appearance of “extraterrestrials” and (ET/ED/ID/NHIB/HICE/UFO) contact and higher states of conscious human spiritual awareness. Mikes own experience and history bears this out, as do numerous visual and written artifacts from both our distant and not so distant human past. What Mike will present is a brief but richly documented history of human visual and spiritual contact. He will also explore the depiction of heightened spiritual states in art and in the experience of the Buddha as recorded in “Lotus Sutra” and in his own research on Lao Tzu and the Hua Hu Ching. Thereafter, He will explorehis own lengthy history of ET/NHIB and CE-3 and CE-5 contact experiences (1957-2019) and what ledhim to found his own CE-5 group.
As far as the visual presentation goes, after beginning with Neolithic art Mike will go through art in various parts of the pre-modern scientific world that reflect the connection between deeply human spiritual states and end that history with both the recounting and visual portrayals of the birth of modern science through the appearance of Rene Descartes’ dream angel.
Mike’s underlying thesis is those meditative states that somehow trigger contact experiences are real — and their connection to the appearances of UFO/ET/NHIBs have been hidden in plain view for a very long time. It was no accident that both Dr. Stephen Greer and Mike stumbled onto the CE-5 path of almost accidental CE-3 contact after experiencing deep meditative states. After discussing the Lotus Sutra and Dr. Greer’s early CE “Mountaintop Meditative Experience” Mike’s discussion will then focus on his own CE history, his study of the works of Lao Tzu that led to the appearance of a Fifth Density being on October 3, 2015, and his experiences thereafter in learning to do CE-5 and the founding of my monthly CE-5 group, the Tampa CE-5 Ambassadors to the Universe, Darby, FL USA Meet-up.
Mike will also speak about the amazing and documented experiences of members of his group from February 2017 to present. This presentation will be complete with photographs and video of various entities with whom I and my group have had actual physical and/or visual contact over the last two years. I will finish the lecture with the FREE, The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters’ results and conclusions and comment on how the study’s positive findings concerning the long term elevation of Contactee/experiencer spirituality and positive reflection upon contact closely parallel his own and that of his group members.
Line up at the MAIN REGISTRATION TABLE 10 minutes before the groups are to begin. You will be assigned “rooms and/or areas” where your chosen group with meet! These intimate group sessions are $5 (the money goes directly to the therapists). PLEASE HAVE YOUR $5 ready to pay when you check in at the registration desk.
See description on SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE – 4 Hypnotherapists will lead 4 different groups.
I AM AN EXPERIENCER: But am I an Abductee or Contactee?
This group will examine the differences between the “Abductee” and the “Contactee”. We will discuss what it’s like to live a life facing love or fear, why the difference – is it perceived? - MIESHA JOHNSTON
MILABS: Is the Military Involved in Your Experience?
If you have had any Military involvement, this is the group for you. - CAROL McLEOD
I SAW A UFO: Am I an Experiencer?
Does “seeing” a UFO make you a contactee or an observer? What are the implications? - MARY RODWELL
Managing Your Muti-Dimensional Experience
How do you manage your ‘intuitive’ awareness? What ’tools will be helpful to feel more confident with your awareness, abilities and communication?
On Your Own
Roswell, The Scientific Quest for Physical Evidence
Frank’s presentation will focus on current and past research related to the discovery of possible extraterrestrial and military artifacts at the Roswell UFO crash site. Over the past 9 years more than 25 metallic alloys, ‘Bakelite’ like plastic and several military related artifacts have been discovered at the location. Some of the material has been analyzed and shows anomalies that may indicate a possible origin other than Earth. Research of old aerial photographs shows ground disturbances consistent with recovery efforts by the military in 1947. Research continues, and this presentation will discuss the latest available information, along with a virtual tour of the crash site. Some of the artifacts will be on display at the conference.
Hybridization & the Milab Experience: The interconnection of followed bloodlines – genetic alteration & orchestrated relationships
The experience of contact is rarely simple, with the influence of extraterrestrials guiding and shaping bloodlines throughout the ages, it can be easy to focus heavily upon one’s own experiences rather then the big picture.
The influence often begins in childhood, where often, introduction to other contactees in a classroom like setting allows for the contactees (as well as the extraterrestrials and multi-dimensionals) to establish a relationship and further develop their bond. While onboard, it is common for medical examinations and alterations to occur as the extraterrestrials monitor, and if necessary, modify the physical and etheric body of the contactee. Another component of the contact experience is re-introduction to the soul family, beings of whom your soul is familiar with and has a deep sense of kinship with, some of which are romantic — whereas others are platonic.
These frequent encounters can lead to a contactee becoming a target of Black Ops, — black budget military groups — who abduct contactees in attempts to learn why the contactee was abducted; what the intentions are of the extraterrestrials, what they were shown, who was abducting them, and more. The contactee, in most Milabs cases, will undergo extensive medical testing as well as forms of “mind control” where they utilize the contactee in psy-ops — on and off planet.
Also, in attempts to subvert the modifications being made to humanity on behalf of the positive extraterrestrials, the contactee will be exposed to a series of military personal with whom they may have connections with during their life-long abductions. This is done in an attempt to take the contactee off of their spiritual development and keep them from growing into complete spiritual humans – what the positive ETs want for Humanity.
Which raises the question for contactees, “are we truly “in love” with the people we love, or is this an orchestrated relationship?”
The Occult Side of UFOs
Esoteric researcher Jonny Enoch will present evidence for how humanity has been interacting with vastly intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations for thousands of years. His cutting-edge investigations are based on interviewing insiders, clinical hypnotherapy sessions with contactees, and exploring megalithic sites around the world. This work demonstrates without a doubt that a cosmic blueprint can be found within our religions, histories, and sciences. Jonny will also reveal all new research about great cosmological mysteries, lost ancient technologies, underground bases, Biblical warnings about Artificial Intelligence, and much more. You don’t want to miss this fascinating presentation.
(Included in 4 & 7 Day Packages)
Join Us for Pizza and Pasta with Wine
— Included in 4 & 7 Day Packages —
LIVE Special Event
Join us for for a LIVE on stage interview of John Lear by Kerry Cassidy of “Project Camelot”! We are thrilled to have John with us, live on stage, for the first time in years.
We will be taking written questions from the audience in the last 15 minutes of the interview. There will be paper and pens all day Sunday near the conference doors to drop your questions for Kerry to ask John later in the evening.
Aurora, Texas and UFOs in the Old West
From the author of Traveler, a novel based on the 1897 Aurora UFO crash, Kerry’s fun and entertaining presentation takes a detailed look at proof of visitors from other worlds from the beginning of record keeping to the Roswell crash with specific emphasis on documented UFO sightings from the Civil War to the Aurora crash of April 1897.
My Story: Close Encounters and Implants
Kate’s lecture is about her life of contact; were she will be talking about her close encounters that started when she was 3 years old. The first time they came to her home, and into her bedroom, they had a telepathic connection. Throughout her life the beings have been making contact in all kind of ways, and becasue of this contat, Kate has “changed” in many ways.
Kate will share the different close encounters she’s had, and how the world around her has reacted to it. She will address the question, “How does this world react to people with close encounters, and what can we do now about it?”
When Kate was around 30 years old they connected with her “mind” to download into her consciousness astrophysics. Kate has had no education in physics, but since that contact she has found that she understands “the universe”. She will talk briefly about how we fit into “the big picture” and the importance of us – us humans.
In January 2016 Kate was told to hold a magnet on my perceived bump on her neck to see if it possible could have an implant. The magnet stuck to her neck, and after she discovered 35 implants symmetrical placed in her body. She will show xrays and demonstrate with the magnets.
Life Between Lives – Beyond Human Form
Peter Smith will share his journey into the metaphysical world of Life Between Lives (LBL) – the place we go between our incarnations. This work originally researched by Dr. Michael Newton has now expanded to over 40 countries. The evolution of LBL since its first presentation in the 1990s has shown an emergence of off-world lives and diversity in the soul lineage of those incarnating on earth. Peter will share recent findings from The Newton Institute, some of Dr. Newton’s forgotten cases of lives on other planets and share stories from his own practice in Melbourne, Australia.
Lead by Miesha Johnston
(one large group)
ODD DAY TOPICS: “Therapist Choice”
These ODD DAY OPEN TOPIC GROUPS (one large group) are less intimate, but a good place to jump in if you have never been to a group session before.
- Monday 3/25: Miesha Johnston
- Wednesday 3/27: Barbara Lamb
- Friday 3/29: Mary Rodwell
Enjoy Lunch on your own.
The NEW HUMAN Awakening to Our COSMIC HERITAGE – a Hypotheses
Are we changing as a species? If so what is the evidence and how is connected to Non-Human Intelligences (NHI?)
In this presentation Mary explores the hypotheses Homo-sapiens is a ‘intelligently designed’ species. Evidence for this is in intergenerational shifts in human ‘consciousness’ into multidimensional awareness. Awakening to our multidimensional realities can be activated by a process of DNA alteration, or additions to the human genome by non-Human Intelligence. Awakening through physical or non-physical encounters with NHI’s, through spiritual practices, near death experiences (NDE’s,) out of body experiences (OBE’s,) kundalini activation, etc., combined with downloads of data, frequencies, and no-human educational programs. Research with over 3,000 cases suggest this process of activations is intergenerational and focuses on the awakening and activation of human consciousness.
What is the evidence, and how is this occurring and why? What is The New Human? How do we recognize them? Why is the New Human, labeled Star Children, Indigo, Crystal, ‘letter people’, ADHD, Asperger’s, autism, dyslexia and/or hybrid? Why are they so different to older generations of human and why is this important to acknowledge? How can we understand and support these new generations of human? Why do many they feel more connected to their ‘star family’ than human one? What does this mean for our species? Are we, as the late Command Sergeant Robert Dean suggested “A work in progress, a unfinished masterpiece?” Is this a ‘wake up’ call for humanity? If so what does this awakening mean for our future as a species?
UFO Disclosure: The 70 Year Coverup Exposed – a managed agenda to obscure the truth
They’re here. They’ve been here for thousands of years, making their presence known in the shadows. They might be seen by a lonely motorist on a deserted road late at night or by a frightened and confused husband in the bedroom he is sharing with his wife. But who are “they?” What do they want? Why are they here?Perhaps most disconcerting, has the government been aware of their presence all along, and is covertly working with them towards some secret end?
LA’s presentation will cover all these aspects of UFOlogy and more!
HYBRIDIZATION: DNA The Currency of Our Past, Present and Future
On Your Own.
JIM NICHOLS – UFOS and Flying Saucers: The Jim Nichols Story
Jim Nichols new film is a candid personal review of the Flying Saucer mystery dating from the 1950s and how over seventy years that mystery has impacted today’s modern culture. Jim shares nostalgic, entertaining, informative and challenging insights based on his many decades of UFO research. You don’t want to miss this film from one of the long standing “masters” of the visual perspective of the UFO phenomenon – as both an illustration and a film maker.
Jim will give a brief introduction of the film and after will open the floor for a Q & A session.
Prophecies, Pollution, and Plate Tectonics – The UFO Link
UFOs are sighted over every state, city and county in the US. Many of these areas will be investigated from the perspective of pollution, Native American influences, and the earth’s plates. There is a link here. The recognition of this link was influenced by different abduction interviews and it holds true today. They are seen over certain areas because of what we are doing to the planet and because of what the planet is doing to us. Join me for a completely unique look at this UFO link. This is one of a kind.
THE ETs SPEAK: Who We Are and Why We’re Here
Mr. Batie is a recognized authority on the use of self-hypnotic techniques to contact and channel information from higher dimensional beings such as Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters in a two-way conversational dialog. However, instead of regressing UFO Abductees to better understand their abduction experiences, he communicated with the Extra-terrestrial Abductors to understand their motives and purpose.
Mr. Batie will discuss the very interesting and most enlightening information provided by several Extra-terrestrial civilizations, including The Grays, Pleiadians, and Arcturians and several others.
Where Does Science Go in the Face of the Unexplained?
Marc’s presentation discusses in part the dilemma we face when our science cannot explain observations or events. There is a tendency to doubt the witness to the events. But what if the witness has direct knowledge of what transpired that he/she could not possibly know? This happened to Marc – and his presentation relays the real and unexplained events that took place in May 2015 when during a dangerous surgery Marc was whisked away, while his heart was stopped, and taken on a strange modern day journey with his Native American ancestors that resulted in a life changing surprise.
The details have remained crystal clear and he is able to recall the entire set of events, moment to moment, as they happened during the time his heart was stopped. But herein lies the issue: Marc is a man of science. NONE of these events fit in any one of his science buckets including his science of Astronomy and Exoplanets. So what do we do with our science?
Line up at the MAIN REGISTRATION TABLE 10 minutes before the groups are to begin. You will be assigned “rooms and/or areas” where your chosen group with meet! These intimate group sessions are $5 (the money goes directly to the therapists). PLEASE HAVE YOUR $5 ready to pay when you check in at the registration desk.
See description on SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE – 4 Hypnotherapists will lead 4 different groups.
I AM AN EXPERIENCER: But am I an Abductee or Contactee?
This group will examine the differences between the “Abductee” and the “Contactee”. We will discuss what it’s like to live a life facing love or fear, why the difference – is it perceived? - MIESHA JOHNSTON
MILABS: Is the Military Involved in Your Experience?
If you have had any Military involvement, this is the group for you. - CAROL McLEOD
I SAW A UFO: Am I an Experiencer?
Does “seeing” a UFO make you a contactee or an observer? What are the implications? - MARY RODWELL
Managing Your Muti-Dimensional Experience
How do you manage your ‘intuitive’ awareness? What ’tools will be helpful to feel more confident with your awareness, abilities and communication?
On your own.
Budd Hopkins, Children and UFO Abduction: A Personal Remembrance
Budd Hopkins (1931-2011) gained worldwide respect and recognition for his pioneering work in what is arguably the most complex, challenging and significant area of study in ufology – that being the UFO abduction phenomenon. While Budd referred to aspects of such highly sensitive investigations in his books and many published papers and articles, it was the subject of only one (known) recorded lecture, and that one never making it to DVD. Hopkins scrupulous methodology required that he work closely with the parents of young experiencers when such situations presented themselves, and when possible, in tandem with the individual’s therapist or other mental health professional.
In this illustrated talk, investigative writer Peter Robbins presents some of this case material for the first time while fully preserving the anonymity of those involved, though not in an academic or rote manner. Robbins was at the famed investigator’s side throughout a number of these investigations during the years he was Budd’s assistant and confidant. This illustrated talk is drawn from relevant material given him by Budd, the speakers own observations, those of one of the parents involved, and clips from Budd Hopkins’ unique recorded presentation on the subject. An important talk you will not soon forget.
A Wright-Patterson Senior Scientist’s Quest for Extraterrestrial Truth
In 1973, “Al,” Raymond’s mentor at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, revealed to him that the base was housing “crash wreckage and its occupants from a crash out West.” From that day forward, Raymond was on the lookout for any evidence to back this mind-boggling claim. Raymond’s photo-filled and fact-filled presentation will take you deep inside the fabled Air Force Base to explore his theories of where the aliens were first inspected and housed, and where they may be buried.
He will also present his latest research on alien contact as captured in the second book of his Fifty Shades of Greys trilogy, Victoria’s Secret Truth – an in depth case study for Close Encounters of the 7th Kind.
Suppose that everything UFO and other Contact Modalities were TRUE; what, then, have we learned about the Universe?
Rey Hernandez has already explained in his talk that human contact with non-human intelligence takes many forms and is often, but not necessarily, accompanied by UFO sightings. These contacts have often included messages and information communications of profound interest in many academic communities.
I ask the question, “What if everything that the Human race has learned from these contacts, about the structure and nature of the Universe, is true?”
Be prepared for a wild ride through quantum and black hole physics, with the Universe seen as an inside-out black hole (MECO). Understanding of this quantum structure shows how the contact modalities of extra-terrestrial visitations, Near-Death-Experiences, telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, and astrology, etc. arise naturally in the quantum dimension of our Universe.
On your own.
with Melinda Leslie – Tuesday
** THIS EVENT IS NOT INCLUDED in the 4 Day & 7 Day Packages **
Join us to kick-off this incredible conference week with a pre-conference UFO Sighting Sky Watch with Military Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) on Saturday night 3/23, as well as two “during conference” UFO Sighting Sky Watches, Tuesday 3/26 and Thursday 3/28, with Melinda Leslie and her wonderful “Sky Watch Ground Crew” of skilled NVG UFO sighting experts. For more information about Melinda and her UFO Sighting tours in Sedona, Arizona, please visit:
We are limited to ONLY 50 people each night due to the sharing of equipment. But, to assure lots of UFO sighting opportunities, each night we’ll break out into 5 small groups of ONLY 10 people each and share 3 pairs of goggles per group. This way we insure everyone will get plenty of time with the goggles. Since only 10 people are sharing 3 pairs the ENTIRE 2 PLUS HOURS OF VIEWING TIME, you’re sure to have lots of sightings! No other conference has ever provided this much NVG viewing time! More viewing time with the goggles means more UFO sightings!
NVGs allow you to see over 50,000 times more light than is possible with the naked eye and increases your chances of having a UFO sighting by 50,000 times! We also see over 50,000 times more stars than is possible with the naked eye. You haven’t star gazed til you’ve done so with NVGs!
Join Melinda as she explains how best to see, or “spot”, real UFOs and distinguish true “unidentified” objects from identified ones; such as commercial and military aircraft, shooting stars, and of course, satellites. Melinda says that once you know the basics, ruling out these “known” objects is easy. Then what you’re left with are ones that may make turns, zig zag, shoot off, or even fly in formation!
We’ll also use high-powered green lasers to point out what we are seeing in the sky and to flash at these UFOs (taking extra care not to laser any planes). When you flash at the objects they often flash back! So come join us for an exciting event spotting UFOs with NVGs.
People who are driving to the conference are asked to assist us by taking attendees without transportation to the UFO Sky Watch from the Aquarius Hotel. It’s only a short distance to the viewing location, a less than 15 minute drive. When registering you will be asked if you have a car to transport others, and how many you can accommodate. As well, you will be asked if you need a ride.
Please be sure and register for the UFO Sighting Sky Watch on this website prior to the conference, we are sure to fill up all three nights way in advance. This event is not included in the conference packages. This is a 3 hour event with over 2 full hours of NVG viewing for the low cost of only $20 per person and must be purchased SEPARATELY. To register, please see the ticketing page by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
- Your ticket, instructions on what to wear, guidelines for better UFO viewing success, and safety precautions, will be provided in your registration packet at conference check in for all UFO Sky Watch registrants. If attending the Sat. 3/23 UFO Sky Watch be sure and check in at the conference registration table to get your ticket and instructions, way ahead of meeting outside.
- Maps with simple driving instructions from the hotel to the viewing location will also be provided in your conference registration packet along with an internet link for using mapquest or google GOPS on your smart phones for those prefer it.
- A map will be distributed and cell phone navigational coordinates will be printed on the handout.
- Saturday 3/23 we meet OUTSIDE the lobby front doors at 6pm. Saturday night we’ll wind-up the viewing out at the location around 9pm.
- Tuesday 3/26 and Thursday 3/28 we met again OUTSIDE the lobby front doors at 7pm. Tuesday and Thursday we’ll wind-up the viewing out at the location prior to 10pm.
- Everyone needs to be ON TIME meeting outside the hotel lobby to be assigned passengers if you are a driver; and to be assigned a driver if you are a passenger. If late you may be stuck without a ride to the viewing location.
- Cars will leave AFTER ONLY 15 minutes, as we get cars pulling up to the front entrance and loading people.
- Once there at the viewing location, Melinda and her expert “Sky Watch Ground Crew” will collect your tickets and give you instructions on the equipment use and everything you need to know to insure the best UFO sighting experience.
- IMPORTANT: Wear closed toes shoes that cover your entire foot. (no sandals or flip flops) We are in the desert after all…
- Bring warm clothing, it’s likely to be cold those nights. We recommend a heavy coat, scarves, hats, etc. Please check the night weather for Laughlin, Nevada before coming to the conference so you know what you need to keep you comfortably warm for over 2 hours out in the desert at night.
- If driving to the conference, please bring a “camp” or “beach” chair to sit on. If you have spare chairs, and room in your car, it would be wonderful if you would bring “spares to share”. We really appreciate it.
- If you have any high powered binoculars or your own military night vision googles, etc. we welcome you to bring them.
- Bring a great attitude and sense of adventure – you’re going to see UFO’s!
DAVID ADAIR – America’s Fall From Space
OUR FIRST MOVIE will be David Adair’s America’s Fall from Space. David will be with us to introduce his film and after take questions.
AMERICA’S FALL FROM SPACE, a documentary about government secrets and one man’s journey to reclaim his reputation. Released for the first time, personal documents, interviews and unspoken factual encounters are revealed in this notable account by David Adair.
Approached by a notorious Air Force General interested in first-strike capability in 1969, a 15 year old boy held the secret to the fastest rocket on Earth. Given “Black Ops” resources by the U.S. Government, David Adair developed his rocket in secret, then destroyed it when he learned that it was to be used for first strike capability against Russia. Facing a lifetime of discreditation and silent undercover threats, Adair speaks out about technology lost, the truth about his rocket and the Alien engine that was shown to him by the U.S. Government at Area 51.
DAVE BEATY – The Nimitz Encounters
On the morning of November 14th, 2004, 90 miles off the coast of California near San Diego, the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises. Unknown craft appeared that forever changed all of those that encountered them. Tracked on USS Princeton’s SPY1 radar, the fighter jets were vectored to the UFO. After 13 years of cloaked secrecy the true UFO story can finally be told with new witnesses.
(Included in 4 & 7 Day Packages)
— INCLUDED IN 4 & 7 Day Packages —
Join us for a “build your own” Taco’s Bar and Beer!!
(To purchase separately – $39 – listed on tickets page under “Al-la-Carte” items.)
The Project Camelot Journey, 2006—2018
Bill will take us on an action-packed, fast forward trip from the founding of Project Camelot to the present. Not a research piece, but the detailed description of a multicolored, multidimensional landscape populated by wondrous phenomena, wondrous information, and wondrous people. Some anecdotes he’ll share will be known to very few, and some stories presented may even be important. The presentation is right after breakfast, but it’ll be a fun ride, and maybe a substitute for strong morning coffee. You don’t want to miss this presentation!
The Covert Program of Reverse-Engineering Extraterrestrial Abductees (MILABs): The Experiences, Evidence, and Implications
Melinda Leslie researches how covert human agencies are reverse-engineering extraterrestrial abductees for information to be used in both the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial (ET) technology programs and covert-ops personal development programs.
She investigates how the government’s “official management” of ET related information includes the monitoring, re-abduction, interrogation, and recruitment of alien abductees into covert programs, equating it to just like the covert or black-ops military personnel gather and reverse-engineer ET craft, they also gather and reverse-engineer the abductees. Also called MILABs (military abductions) these experiences are abundant with evidence as well as serve to demonstrate some of the greater implications for an official UFO Disclosure.
Melinda has documented detailed accounts of covert human agency abduction experiences along with the covert-ops’ attempt to learn the ET’s technology, motives, abductee genetics and psi (paranormal or psychic) abilities in these abduction events. Melinda’s lecture will include MILAB experiences never shared before from her research cases as well as from her own personal abduction story.
On your own.
Lead by Barbara Lamb
(one large group)
ODD DAY TOPICS: “Therapist Choice”
These ODD DAY OPEN TOPIC GROUPS (one large group) are less intimate, but a good place to jump in if you have never been to a group session before.
- Monday 3/25: Miesha Johnston
- Wednesday 3/27: Barbara Lamb
- Friday 3/29: Mary Rodwell
Is there a Universal School of Thought – A Downline of Genetic Memory?
NEW “OFFICIAL” ERA OF UFOs EXPOSED: An ‘Embedded’ TV Journalist on the Trail for Truth
Network TV investigative producer Robert Kiviat, best known for creating widely-watched Prime Time documentary TV Specials concerning UFOs, ETs and other unexplained phenomena, reveals shocking discoveries he made while working under contract for a CIA supported operation tied to the December 2017 New York Times Pentagon UFO disclosure story that essentially confirmed UFOs are real and could be a global threat.
Kiviat, who was recruited in 2018 by a company backed by a top CIA scientist to create entertainment products aimed at extolling the virtues of anti-gravity development and UFO research, explains how he was soon manipulated to refocus his efforts on competing with To The Stars Academy (TTSA) for Hollywood projects, with the goal of making people believe UFOs (or UAPs) are related to inter-dimensional “portals” and human consciousness rather than beings coming from distant planets.
Via a riveting, play-by-play account, Kiviat takes the audience through his harrowing 18-month odyssey filled with intrigue, deceit, obfuscation and incredibly, the eventual realization that rival factions within the U.S. Defense Department and U.S. intelligence agencies are battling each other for dominance in explaining to the public what UFOs represent.
Are they harbingers of doom, the Apocalypse or heaven on Earth? Maybe something in between? Find out for yourself, as Kiviat unveils stunning new video evidence of mysterious activity occurring at locations around the world, provided by official sources and independent “experiencers.”
Since their highly-professional 2017 public announcement of their having decided to “come out of the closet” as “Deep Insiders” from within The National Security State bureaucracy to seek to publicly discover, with the UFO Community, The Truth about The UFO Phenomenon, various staff and directors of “The To The Stars Academy” have been endeavoring to persuade members of the historical “UFO Community” to “take their word for it” that they have now “seen The Light” and are now finally willing “to risk their fame and fortune – and their professional reputations” by “going public” about their collective conviction that “UFOs are Real!”
Even though they, after all of these years of studying the subject in SECRET, “have no idea whatsoever where they come from, what they are, or what they represent – other than that The UFO Phenomenon “constitutes a threat to the National Security of our nation” because of their ability to “violate” our U.S. airspace with such demonstrated impunity; which absolutely requires that we find out The Truth about this phenomenon. “So, now, please join us, in our now-good faith effort to determine what this phenomenon is really all about… letting by-gones be by-gones regarding all of those years of conscious government deception and secrecy that we have all actively participated in.”
Should The UFO Community believe these men? Should we “throw in with them” to try to solve this decades-long mystery, “taking advantage of” their “inside knowledge” and sharing our knowledge and experience with them?
THIS is “The Elephant in The Room” in the UFO Community that needs to be addressed in a fully professional and responsible manner. That will be the task – and the objective – of this presentation of Harvard Law School-trained Constitutional Trial Lawyer (and Legal Counsel for Dr. John Mack) Daniel Sheehan, Legal Counsel for both Dr. Stephen Greer’s 2001 “Disclosure Project” and Steven Basset’s 2013 Citizens’ Hearing on Disclosure.
(Included in 4 & 7 Day Packages)
Robert Kiviat will interview “Military Whisleblower Witnesses” from the Nimitz “Tic Tac” incident.
We will be bringing together for the first time, many of the military personnel who witness the “Tic-Tac” and other UAPs while conducting training missions. This is going to be an historic event!!
- Kevin Day
- Patrick “PJ” Hughes
- Jason Turner
- Gary Voorhis
- and Dave Beaty
What are the Crop Circle Makers Trying to Tell Us?
Krsanna’s presentation answers this question with successful predictions using crop circles in the Americas and the assistance of time travelers. She identified the present shift in the axis of rotation two years before NASA announced it in 2016, and explains why the axis is moving towards Great Britain. She found the new location for magnetic north in Siberia by following markers in the crop circle made next to the Hanford nuclear reserve at Kennewick, Washington. With crop circles in Mexico, Argentina and Indonesia, she identified the area of a history-making fracture on a tectonic plate a year before it happened in 2012. The medium of myriad life in the crops is the message of the circles around the globe. Duran provides tools to associate locations of crop circles in the planetary sphere for a comprehensive view. Going beyond mysterious “lights in the sky,” Duran carefully selected UFO events tied to crop circles and prophecies by ethnic timekeepers globally – particularly Native Americans.
Inside Information about the Secret Space Program
Jo Ann will speak about the military’s Secret Space Program. The ships of the Deep Space Fleet; inter-stellar/inter-species treaty conferences on Earth; non-human species who work with the military. Her husband, Mark Richards’ training with the Raptor Imperial Fleet and various missions on-and-off Earth to defend humanity.
Close Encounters of the Second Magnitude: They Live Among Us
It is beyond the time when UFO’s and the associated phenomena are suspect. With hundreds of people sharing their video’s or photo’s, numerous others suggesting contact, and the stories of abduction, it is obvious there are “others” coming to Earth. The issue most focus on is disclosure. You need someone to tell you UFO’s are real…
Within any discussion about disclosure are arguments regarding why it has not occurred. Everyone has a theory. Several suggest they have the answer; The government won’t allow it. Why? No one really has a good answer except those who see conspiracy in every aspect of life. I don’t believe this is actually the entire story. There is, and has been, some powerful directing presence intent on keeping details hidden. Who? This answer might surprise you.
There is a very real and compelling aspects most have missed, and few know about firsthand. It is an obvious truth rarely discussed that has been staring every curious mind directly in their eyes. “They” have been here a very, very long time and have no plans to leave this world. “They” are here. Recognizing this, and accepting their presence among us leads the people of this world towards a new understanding.
Evidence from UFO sightings no longer “prove” their presence. That UFO’s are navigating our skies is completely obvious and well documented. The need for having someone in their lofty office stepping up to validate the truth is unnecessary. What is needed is to recognize our journey as a species has now ventured beyond the need for examination of sightings.
It’s time to explore evidence we have entered the next paradigm; Close Encounters of the Second Magnitude: They Live Among Us.
Line up at the MAIN REGISTRATION TABLE 10 minutes before the groups are to begin. You will be assigned “rooms and/or areas” where your chosen group with meet! These intimate group sessions are $5 (the money goes directly to the therapists). PLEASE HAVE YOUR $5 ready to pay when you check in at the registration desk.
See description on SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE – 4 Hypnotherapists will lead 4 different groups.
I AM AN EXPERIENCER: But am I an Abductee or Contactee?
This group will examine the differences between the “Abductee” and the “Contactee”. We will discuss what it’s like to live a life facing love or fear, why the difference – is it perceived? - MIESHA JOHNSTON
MILABS: Is the Military Involved in Your Experience?
If you have had any Military involvement, this is the group for you. - CAROL McLEOD
I SAW A UFO: Am I an Experiencer?
Does “seeing” a UFO make you a contactee or an observer? What are the implications? - MARY RODWELL
Managing Your Muti-Dimensional Experience
How do you manage your ‘intuitive’ awareness? What ’tools will be helpful to feel more confident with your awareness, abilities and communication?
On your own.
Medical Healings in UFO Contact Experiencers
Joseph Burkes, MD will report on cases of medical healings in UFO contact experiencers. These remarkable incidents are documented in the Foundation for Research into ET and Extraordinary Encounters’ book, “Beyond UFOs.” With UFO researcher Preston Dennett, Dr. Burkes has co-authored a chapter in this important book published in 2018.
The cases were chosen from the hundreds of respondents to the FREE Survey who claimed that they had received healings during contact experiences. The diagnoses included, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, syncope from hemorrhagic shock, lung cancer, cellulitis of the foot, deep venous thrombophlebitis and many other conditions.
The challenges in doing medical research in contact experiencers will be reviewed as well the possible reasons why these individuals were chosen for medical interventions. Proposed mechanisms for these alleged healings will be discussed.
SEVEN DAYS IN MAY: The Kingman UFO Story
The 1953 Kingman UFO story has been the subject of ongoing false and misleading claims for nearly 50 years. Until Drew’s work, no structured research, or fieldwork was ever done after a witness interview was made public in April 1976. Statements made later by first-hand eye witnesses were ignored, minimized<, and in some cases demonized.
PASCAGOULA – The Closest Encounter: My Story
For almost 45 years Calvin Parker has been on the run, hiding from the truth and the facts of what happened to him that night it Pascagoula 1973. He never wanted anyone to know what had happened to him and his friend, and fishing buddy, that night. All he wanted was to be an ordinary guy. Get married, have children, settle down – nothing more. The abduction experience on the Pascagoula River destroyed all of that and his life would never be the same again.
For UFO MEGA CON Calvin is going to give a complete and factual account of what happened. Much has been written about Calvin in the past, most of which is simply not true. His presentation will detail a “piece by piece” account of what happened that night. How the two men were dealt with by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Keesler Air For Base personnel, Dr. Harder and Dr. Hynek.
He will also “pull no punches” on how this experience has affected his life. He will also provide details of his regressive hypnosis session with the late Budd Hopkins, and another possible ‘missing time’ experience in 1993.
On your own.
with Melinda Leslie – Thursday
** THIS EVENT IS NOT INCLUDED in the 4 Day & 7 Day Packages **
Join us to kick-off this incredible conference week with a pre-conference UFO Sighting Sky Watch with Military Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) on Saturday night 3/23, as well as two “during conference” UFO Sighting Sky Watches, Tuesday 3/26 and Thursday 3/28, with Melinda Leslie and her wonderful “Sky Watch Ground Crew” of skilled NVG UFO sighting experts. For more information about Melinda and her UFO Sighting tours in Sedona, Arizona, please visit:
We are limited to ONLY 50 people each night due to the sharing of equipment. But, to assure lots of UFO sighting opportunities, each night we’ll break out into 5 small groups of ONLY 10 people each and share 3 pairs of goggles per group. This way we insure everyone will get plenty of time with the goggles. Since only 10 people are sharing 3 pairs the ENTIRE 2 PLUS HOURS OF VIEWING TIME, you’re sure to have lots of sightings! No other conference has ever provided this much NVG viewing time! More viewing time with the goggles means more UFO sightings!
NVGs allow you to see over 50,000 times more light than is possible with the naked eye and increases your chances of having a UFO sighting by 50,000 times! We also see over 50,000 times more stars than is possible with the naked eye. You haven’t star gazed til you’ve done so with NVGs!
Join Melinda as she explains how best to see, or “spot”, real UFOs and distinguish true “unidentified” objects from identified ones; such as commercial and military aircraft, shooting stars, and of course, satellites. Melinda says that once you know the basics, ruling out these “known” objects is easy. Then what you’re left with are ones that may make turns, zig zag, shoot off, or even fly in formation!
We’ll also use high-powered green lasers to point out what we are seeing in the sky and to flash at these UFOs (taking extra care not to laser any planes). When you flash at the objects they often flash back! So come join us for an exciting event spotting UFOs with NVGs.
People who are driving to the conference are asked to assist us by taking attendees without transportation to the UFO Sky Watch from the Aquarius Hotel. It’s only a short distance to the viewing location, a less than 15 minute drive. When registering you will be asked if you have a car to transport others, and how many you can accommodate. As well, you will be asked if you need a ride.
Please be sure and register for the UFO Sighting Sky Watch on this website prior to the conference, we are sure to fill up all three nights way in advance. This event is not included in the conference packages. This is a 3 hour event with over 2 full hours of NVG viewing for the low cost of only $20 per person and must be purchased SEPARATELY. To register, please see the ticketing page by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
- Your ticket, instructions on what to wear, guidelines for better UFO viewing success, and safety precautions, will be provided in your registration packet at conference check in for all UFO Sky Watch registrants. If attending the Sat. 3/23 UFO Sky Watch be sure and check in at the conference registration table to get your ticket and instructions, way ahead of meeting outside.
- Maps with simple driving instructions from the hotel to the viewing location will also be provided in your conference registration packet along with an internet link for using mapquest or google GOPS on your smart phones for those prefer it.
- A map will be distributed and cell phone navigational coordinates will be printed on the handout.
- Saturday 3/23 we meet OUTSIDE the lobby front doors at 6pm. Saturday night we’ll wind-up the viewing out at the location around 9pm.
- Tuesday 3/26 and Thursday 3/28 we met again OUTSIDE the lobby front doors at 7pm. Tuesday and Thursday we’ll wind-up the viewing out at the location prior to 10pm.
- Everyone needs to be ON TIME meeting outside the hotel lobby to be assigned passengers if you are a driver; and to be assigned a driver if you are a passenger. If late you may be stuck without a ride to the viewing location.
- Cars will leave AFTER ONLY 15 minutes, as we get cars pulling up to the front entrance and loading people.
- Once there at the viewing location, Melinda and her expert “Sky Watch Ground Crew” will collect your tickets and give you instructions on the equipment use and everything you need to know to insure the best UFO sighting experience.
- IMPORTANT: Wear closed toes shoes that cover your entire foot. (no sandals or flip flops) We are in the desert after all…
- Bring warm clothing, it’s likely to be cold those nights. We recommend a heavy coat, scarves, hats, etc. Please check the night weather for Laughlin, Nevada before coming to the conference so you know what you need to keep you comfortably warm for over 2 hours out in the desert at night.
- If driving to the conference, please bring a “camp” or “beach” chair to sit on. If you have spare chairs, and room in your car, it would be wonderful if you would bring “spares to share”. We really appreciate it.
- If you have any high powered binoculars or your own military night vision googles, etc. we welcome you to bring them.
- Bring a great attitude and sense of adventure – you’re going to see UFO’s!
The American Media and the 2nd Assassination of John F. Kennedy
PRODUCER’S NOTE: Lorien Fenton has been a long time JFK Assassination Truth supporter and has been on the front lines in the JFK community to bring the amazing researchers and remaining assassination witnesses to the public through her JFK conferences. The reason you are seeing a “JFK movie” on a UFO conference schedule is becasue the parallels between the Alphabet Agencies, our Military, and the MAIN STREAM MEDIAS’ COVERUP of UFO TRUTH is mindbogglingly similar. As Lorien has always said, “if you dig into the JFK assassination, you will find a UFO and an Alien body – which JFK knew about”.
JOHN BARBOUR, a Canadian native, is recognized as “the Father of Reality TV” with five Emmy Awards to his credit. Known for his numerous TV programs, including NBC’s trendsetting hit Real People, NBC’s award-winning Critic-at-Large and AM LA, the witty and talented Barbour is the only person to have won Emmy’s in both Entertainment and News. As a stand-up comic, and as a writer for politicians and personalities such as Frank Sinatra, John has enjoyed an inside view of media politics.
His interest in the Kennedy assassination has been long and professional. He produced The Garrison Tapes (John filmed Garrison personally). The tapes are also available on Amazon (The Last Word on the Assassination). John says: “In spite of great reviews, winning the San Sebastian Film Festival and enormous success around the world, The Garrison Tapes has been almost totally blacked out by America’s mainstream media.” His newest project is The American Media and the Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy — a film you don’t want to miss.
On Your Own.
A Journalist’s Briefing – UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence
The Fourth Estate, aka The News Media, has for fifty years violated a “sacred trust” with the American people; with regard to properly reporting about Unidentified Flying Objects in our skies and the Extraterrestrial presence globally.
As a published journalist and produced media writer/producer, Cheryl Costa has been turned away by editor after editor, and news director after news director, when she offered solid regional interest stories based upon her statistical analysis of 17 years of 21st Century USA sighting reports about UFOs.
On December 16, 2017 the New York Times and Politico revealed the Pentagon Program study of UFOs. In days following the breaking story, Cheryl observed in horror as top journalists and media commentators were lost for words and struggling to talk about the topic matter in an informed manner. They were clearly unprepared to discuss the subject.
In summer of 2018 she began pitching Journalism School administrations with a briefing presentation tailored for Journalism Students about common myths and misinformation held by editorial staffs about UFOs, ET and the people who study them. In November 2018, she spoke to four Journalism and Media classes at the State University of New York at Albany – School of Journalism. She is preparing to speak to additional Journalism Schools in the near future.
Her UFO MEGA CON presentation explores the common reasons the news media won’t cover the UFO, ET and Ancient Aliens subject matter. If you’ve ever wanted to know why UFOs rarely make the news cycle, this is the talk for you.
Making The Connection with ET Souls and Guides
Marisa Ryan is a Internationally known Psychic Medium who has discovered how to communicate with Souls of ET’s after discovering one of her spirit guides is a Gray. She has had several ET encounters using telepathic communication.
Marisa will share her story of what they had to say as well as discuss how to communicate with them. You will also have the opportunity to experience a guided meditation to possibly meet an ET Spirit or Spirit Guide.
On your own.
Lead by Mary Rodwell
(one large group – no charge)
ODD DAY TOPICS: “Therapist Choice”
These ODD DAY OPEN TOPIC GROUPS (one large group) are less intimate, but a good place to jump in if you have never been to a group session before.
- Monday 3/25: Miesha Johnston
- Wednesday 3/27: Barbara Lamb
- Friday 3/29: Mary Rodwell
The Secret Space Programs’ Effects On Society
What happened and how did the SSP obtain its current veil of secrecy? Many worldwide have been involved in various unacknowledged special access programs like the SSP, whether they have realized it or not. They come from widely ranging careers, socioeconomic backgrounds and social structures from all parts of the world.
One such program is the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF) fleet. The nature of IDARF and the details of their deployments are far reaching. The implications on humanity will be paradigm altering when the world is awakened to the truth about SSP’s.
What is the reason for their franchising evil to other planets? How will civilization handle learning the truth that Earth humans have ventured not only within our solar system but into the far reaches of the galaxy for the last century? This is only one of a number of facts that society will be faced with in a post-disclosure era as a direct result of unacknowledged secret space programs. Join us as Jason shares his experiences and the personal insights he learned from a career within the IDARF SSP program.
INTERSECTION: Human and Non-Human Artificial Intelligence . . . or, when nuts-and-bolts meet woo-woo
We are at a critical juncture where humanity must profoundly consider and act definitively to identifying precisely what role Artificial Intelligence will be allowed to have in human society. This includes a detailed examination of how all technology will impact human spiritual development and the evolution of all consciousness. How did we get to this point in time and what are the reasons we are faced with this challenging paradox?
In our journey into new, unexplored territory, one area we must examine is our understanding of the ancient and well-established practices of Shamanism, especially as to exactly how they will be influenced by the presence of AI. In all human spiritual traditions, we must be able to adequately address the differences in how we perceive, interface, and confront the various forms of human and non-human AI that we will eventually encounter.
The concept of alien and non-human AI, in its non-physical, multi-dimensional form, represents at a minimum, a major paradigm shift in human perceptions of consciousness in the universe. Ultimately, the decisions we make today in how to deal with AI, in all its forms, will significantly impact the eventual position humans will take within the vast galactic and universal communities of life.
Former government physicist Bob Lazar made headlines world-wide in 1989 when he came forward with his account of reverse-engineering an alien spacecraft for the US Military. After years filming with Lazar, Corbell investigates his groundbreaking claims; and his presentation will include rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.
See Corbell’s films and learn more by going to
“Who’s Telling the Truth!”Game Show & Musical Entertainment
(Included in 4 & 7 Day Packages)
Join “George Noory & Friends” for a night of fun and laughs! The entertainment begins with the “Who’s Telling the Truth!” game. Tom Danheiser, Lorien Fenton, and others are you “panel” and George Noory is your Game Show Host.
“Who’s Telling the Truth” Game: 5 Panel members try to convince the audience that they are the true owners of am item. Contestants have to decide which panel members are “lying” and who is “Telling the Truth”. Some funny moments for sure!!
After the game show, Robert Perala and our special guest vocalists, Malcolm Dane and Linda Miller, with entertain, then George Noory will join them and bring Frank, Elvis and others to UFO MEGA CON.
Personal Accounts of Alien Contact and Hard Physical Evidence of an Abduction
Over a 17 year period, Sean and his family had over 140 paranormal experiences in and around their home in Colorado. Sean will talk about several significant abductions/contacts that lead up to a night in January of 1984, when his ET abductors left behind hard physical evidence documenting the reality of his abduction. Sean’s presentation will be accompanied by photographs that document the places, geology, times, and phenomena he refers to. During the presentation, Sean will talk and theorize about:
- What the ETs want mankind to do. Their wishes in 1984 are even more urgent for mankind now than in 1984.
- How ETs help mankind move forward intellectually and spiritually.
- The relationships between man and ETs.
- The relationships between spirits and ETs.
- The local geology and conditions that Sean thinks ETs and spirits thrive in.
The NIMITZ TIC TAC Encounters Revealed – the incredible behind the scenes story
A first-hand account of the now famous air-to-air intercepts of the anomalous radar contacts by U.S. Navy F/A-18 Superhornets on November 14, 2004. Astonishing behind-the-scenes revelations of the events that unfolded aboard the U.S.S. PRINCETON’s Combat Information Center. Profound yet seldom-discussed post-effects of UAP encounters on the human consciousness are also presented including the experience of being a ‘whistleblower’ today.
Richard Doty – Counterintelligence Officer: My Story
Richard will discuss the Paul Bennewitz investigation. He will reveal never before facts about this very sensitive case. Besides sharing the Bennewitz story, he will share information about another sensitive investigation conducted by Richard while a counterintelligence officer at Area 51.
Line up at the MAIN REGISTRATION TABLE 10 minutes before the groups are to begin. You will be assigned “rooms and/or areas” where your chosen group with meet! These intimate group sessions are $5 (the money goes directly to the therapists). PLEASE HAVE YOUR $5 ready to pay when you check in at the registration desk.
See description on SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE – 4 Hypnotherapists will lead 4 different groups.
I AM AN EXPERIENCER: But am I an Abductee or Contactee?
This group will examine the differences between the “Abductee” and the “Contactee”. We will discuss what it’s like to live a life facing love or fear, why the difference – is it perceived? - MIESHA JOHNSTON
MILABS: Is the Military Involved in Your Experience?
If you have had any Military involvement, this is the group for you. - CAROL McLEOD
I SAW A UFO: Am I an Experiencer?
Does “seeing” a UFO make you a contactee or an observer? What are the implications? - MARY RODWELL
Managing Your Muti-Dimensional Experience
How do you manage your ‘intuitive’ awareness? What ’tools will be helpful to feel more confident with your awareness, abilities and communication?
On your own.
PSYCHOKINESIS AND UFOs: The Case of PK Man, Ted Owens
Jeffrey Mishlove will describe his ten-year investigation of Mr. Ted Owens, who exhibited exhibited extraordinary parapsychological abilities that frequently enticed UFO-related phenomena.
Today in UFOlogy
George Knapp with present on the latest developments in the news regarding UFOlogy, Aliens, Consciousness… any new and amazing news item that is “hot off the presses” for the month of March.
Creator of ‘Project Blue Book’ – “Meet & Greet”
SPECIAL EVENT: David O’Leary will be Interviewed by George Knapp at our Saturday Evening Banquet!
Meet David in the conference lobby starting at 5:30pm before the Saturday Night Buffet Banquet – where David will be interviewed by George Knapp as part of the evenings entertainment. David is preparing a SPECIAL POSTER just for our event; and be sure to get your picture taken with David in front of the “Project Blue Book” banner.
Our Pre-Banquet lobby “Cocktail Social” begins at 5:30pm.
(Included in 4 & 7 Day Packages)
Doors Open at 6:30 pm
- MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT: When we open the doors you’ll be bobbing to the sounds of Robert Perala and Malcolm and Linda Dane. Get your food and enjoy your dinner to songs of the Beatles and the 60’s and 70’s.
- KEYNOTE: Peter Smith
- SPECIAL GUEST INTERVIEW: George Knapp interviews David O’Leary – the Creator of the History Channel’s hit Cable Series “Project Blue Book”
- CLOSING RAFFLE: Prizes Galore!
UFO Wine from