In the late 1980s new best friends, the late Col. Wendell Stevens (Ret.) and Bob Brown, realized that virtually all UFO and paranormal themed conventions being offered at the time were not good. By that we mean that they were too expensive; and were just being held to separate the public from their money. Of equal importance, they were disrespectful to both the researchers and the public in that they pitted researchers directly against one another for the public’s’ attention; while giving the delegates searching for knowledge and truth migraines and ulcers with their frustration (no matter how many extra workshop tickets they bought) at not being able to hear everyone they wanted to hear.
Bob and Wendell thought there had to be a better way to do conventions! And there was. And that “better way” became famous worldwide as “The International UFO Congress”. For 20 years (and 23 conventions) they were the longest, best, most affordable, the most life changing, the most truth exposing EVENTS the world had ever seen. And the overriding thought behind every one of those 24 conventions was this: “It does no good to produce the worlds’ best UFO/paranormal EVENT if people can’t afford to be there”.
REAL DISCLOSURE PRODUCTIONS, LLC – Officers & Board of Directors
Robert Brown
CEO, Producer
BOB and has late wife, Terri, were the original owners of International UFO Congress. They produced 20 annual conferences and 3 special events. Bob’s mission in life is bringing affordable and thought provoking content to the UFO and Consciousness Communities.
Lorien Fenton
COO, Producer
LORIEN is many things: talk show host, internet TV personality, researcher, experiencer and presenter in the fields of UFOlogy, Mind Control and JFK – but being an event producer is her passion. She is a stanch advocate for people sharing their experiences and knowledge – and is known in these communities to encourage “unknowns” to take to the stage and share their stories.
Gordon Pekrul
CFO, Executive Producer
GORDON has a long history as a land developer having build several communities in the Phoenix area. He is very interested in the subject of UFOlogy!
Cheryl Costa
Board of Directors
CHERYL has helped UFO MEGA CON by suggesting speakers and also helped decided who are speakers will be – an important role when you have over 200 inquires for a speaking spot.
Melinda Leslie
Board of Directors
MELINDA also has helped suggest and decide who are speakers will be. But, even more important, she took on the challenge of coordinating the Military Witness Group Interview. She solely gathered these Military Witnesses together and spend countless hours “twisting arms” to get them to get on stage and tell their story. We are so grateful to Melinda for gathering these men.
Hi Everyone! I thought you should read an email exchange between Bob Brown and the son of a woman who used to attend International UFO Congress when Bob was the owner/producer. I was moved…
— Email to Bob Brown from Mr. Dickmann
(I am not sure if I have found the right email address but if so please pass this message on to Mr. Bob Brown.)
Hello Mr Brown. This is Anton, the son of Kathy Dickmann in Australia.
My mother came over to your UFO Congress many times in the 1990’s and 2000’s, and I also had the honor of coming with her in 2003 and being introduced to you. Unfortunately the reason I am contacting you is to inform you of the passing of my mother yesterday. She died during the night and at this stage it appears to have been due to a heart attack.
My mother got so much joy from attending your conferences and being able to mix with like-minded people. The events you put on were truly of a world class quality. I know my mother was very fond of you and the team there and considered you a personal friend, which is why I thought you should know what happened. Being an attendee of your conferences was something she appreciated very, very much.
Thank you so much for making such a valuable contribution to the life of someone I love so dearly.
Anton Dickmann
— Bob’s Reply
Dear Anton:
You do indeed have the correct e-mail address. Bob Brown here. Wow. Thank you so much for reaching out to me with this mail. I remember your mom. Your kind words are so meaningful for me. With the help and backing of my loyal volunteers, my wife Teri, and my mentor the late Col. Wendelle Stevens and I produced the original International UFO Congress (and its sister conventions) for 20 years, and 23 total events. And I did it all those years for EXACTLY the same reasons your mom loved my conferences, and that you have shared with me in your letter. I wanted the whole world of truth seekers out there to have a home. A safe, affordable place, where they could gather every year with like-minded souls seeking some truth. And when our Delegates would share the same kinds of thanks and appreciation with me as you expressed of behalf of your mom.. IT WAS WHAT KEPT ME GOING all those years.
This is an especially important time for me to receive your letter. Because, at the urging of many close friends, who have missed my conventions terribly, I am starting a new conference which convenes the last week of March It is called UFO MEGA CON. New name… but really the same conference re-born; for all the right reasons. It has been very hard starting up again from scratch. Your letter will help power me to stay the course and bring the world the best UFO/paranormal consciousness EVENT of the year. It WILL happen this last week in March. And, the Creator willing, UFO MEGA CON will continue for decades more to come. So that all the Mary Dickmann’s out there, looking for some truth, will once again have a real home.
Your mom will be missed. She will be in my heart at UFO MEGA CON. I do it for her, and all her fellow seekers of truth.
Warmest Regards,